Samurai I-am-awry

@MrTripps: Fun fact: I was reading about a study recently done by Penn State University that suggests that there is actually a higher incidence of body-image related depression in underweight boys than in overweight girls.

@6ironmaiden9: Haha I didn't mean to steal your fun from you. I'm just glad I'm not the only HP nerd running around on here.

@madjack1987: Ah, yet another reason I'm looking forward to spending the fall in England.

@trs: If you listen closely, the word bukkake even gets used. I had a good chuckle there

Hmmm so Dumbledore's lamp-post light stealing device is now possible!

Pssh! we've moved on since then. Nowadays we're all entranced by this mysterious thing that Microsoft is introducing on twitter!

I want to get these on my bike. I want to be more visible at night but hate having crap mounted onto my handlebars (reflectors)

@cassiebearRAWR: When I saw the art for this story, I thought the same thing. "Wasn't there a story on giz like... Yesterday which was all about not judging random folks on the internet?"

I love # 34 from Gallery 3. That sunrise/set? has a really violent sort of feel to it. Very unexpected next to the more picturesque sunrise/set shots that we're used to seeing.

I'm not trying to pretend to be knowledgeable on this subject of home pool regulations but this is my take. I know a lot of images on Google earth are several years old. Is it possible that some people had their illegal pool put in, then moved in the time since those pictures were taken? If so, would the current

Colecovision!!! Haha man I loved that thing. Also, the music in this video is the greatest part of it. Brought back so many memories, especially the punch-out music. (4:56) Every time I heard a song come on that I recognized, a gigantic smile spread across my face. This was an awesome video.

When it first starts firing, that thing was dropping a nice beat. Then it just erupted into a fiery stream of awesomeness.

@CheeNOMNOMNOM: Boy, and I thought I was the youngest one here. Haha thank you for proving me way wrong.

@Ryan_Long: That's funny that you say that. Just earlier today I was like "You know where I havent been in a while?" It looks about the same as I remember it. Just with more videos and games.

Ah I remember this toolbox from an imagecache about a year ago. It's a very impressive set of tools that's for sure. I've always liked the ivory detailing around the edges.

Boy I was barely a teenager at this point. My most favorite "gadgets" were my Gameboy Advance, and my brother's N64.

The future is here!

Your shooting challenges are what first brought to Gizmodo. Good luck in your future endeavors!