Samurai I-am-awry

I've always wanted space for a straw and dental floss in my toolbox. Right next to the screwdrivers...

@zjgz: Hahaha with the most convincing OS X/iOS skins on it, from looking at their screens

I had no idea I had lived to see over 70 nuclear explosions.

@pakkei: Something can still be attractive and non-glossy-black. Even if this particular design isn't for you, it is a lot easier to fit in with a room's design than the snowflake.

I don't think this falls under the category of "handsome, dignified character." It's a little too off-the-wall for my taste.

@FooFighting: You would need a lot of people on a lot of bikes all day. Effectively storing energy for use in buildings is actually something that people are doing a lot of research on right now (myself included). Batteries are not a very good method because of size, capacity and the tendency to lose charge over

@FooFighting: There are lights attached to generators that people attach to their bikes that are powered by the spinning wheels.

@minimaltek: Not to mention huge increases in electricity consumption during the day would increase our peak load, making power plants increase production, aka more CO2 and methane flying into the atmosphere.

One of the reasons Facebook was able to steal so much of the market from MySpace was the fact that it was originally only for college students with .edu emails. That made it a very attractive place for them to socialize and post various photos that they might not want parents/siblings to be able to see etc.

Ah figures, of the two shots with light bulbs, mine was the one that didn't win :-P

@James: The sand is purple and all the bright white/yellow/orange specks are the oil. It's more clear in the second picture. In the first picture the oil just looks like water and seafoam.

Sounds like he predicted the up-to-the-minute social networking thing too.

@skittleswrapper: I recognize that that's what it says here, but read the source article. There's no sense in keeping the ordered list of candidates because all of the information is stored on the barcode half, which is the one that you keep. The polling place doesn't take your ballot from you, they simply scan it.

@eipxen: I'll admit the Giz article is misleading. That quote is from the Wired article that it links to at the bottom.

Great Scott! I need to remember this come October so I can go pick it up

@tande04: Haha you beat me to it. I was just about to paste that in there

@Platypus Man: But the other half gets shredded in the booth...