Where is Fate Unlimited Blade Works?
Where is Fate Unlimited Blade Works?
Does it resemble Gantz? If it does im willing to give it a shot
His work somehow reminds me of Rafael Albuquerque's work on American Vampire. Now back to vampire bloodlines, the only decent vampire game ever released
I think there may be many samurai/ninja games, But i also think quantity and quality are not the same. Most games using that setting are just the typical beat'em up kind of shit. But a more realistic kind of experience would be something new, exactly like they did with AC IV. Just my opnion though, and forgive my bad…
I would love to see more games like that coming out
So, the main point in a AAA game like AC should be gender orientation or a good plot?
Just imagine a fallout game in the japanese wasteland
I think this song will do it better
Time to rewatch Steins;Gate
Why it's worth playing: One thing that Persona 4 does remarkably well is craft a believable and intriguing mystery that keeps the player guessing throughout the entire course of the game, and at certain points even requires the player to figure out the missing piece of the puzzle, or leave the case unsolved forever.…
I think i lost myself ;-;
More like "Gone Homo"
Could you please review Sidonia no Kishi? ^^nice review btw
Yeah i agree, Noragami is better than any of the animes in this list