
Reading some of the comments and I have to say to those of you taking this lightly, as some kind of joke, or somehow bethesda’s fault, have probably never had an original thought in your entire life and are the true definition of “consumers”. Go eat some cheetos and watch TMZ

How many youngins reading this will even get the SRV reference?... I’m guessing none

This guys right^ Removing it could cause more bugs than its worth so they leave it in, probably thinking no one would ever find it.

I found that kinda weird too. I dont know why really but yea

Waiting to hear if actual authorities will be involved in this. They should indeed, i just don’t know whats taking them so long

Overwatch lore? U wot mate?

Or at least get on the high ground in that last part of the map... Just played 3 games in a row where people rush on to the low ground only to die way out of position ;(

This is the hardest “paragraph” I’ve ever read. Need to take a nap after that one

Overwatch: Officially the most toxic game ever

Well I imagine if every NFL player had a mic on them at all times we’d hear some pretty vulgar shit.

Jake is not a good enough Tracer for OWL period. Now that they nerfed the Jakerat he’s been getting alot more teabags, my favorite part of OWL so far

Jake sucks... Hes only winning when hes a spam hero and getting pocketed by his whole team. I’m glad Houston got teabagged on illios

Game sucks. Not enough weapon variety and no Loot Boxes. Garbage

Game sucks. Not enough weapon variety and no Loot Boxes. Garbage

Damn bro, SotC is one of the best games ever made. Too bad youre mental capacity is “reduced” to the point where you cant appreciate it

I know right? Do the commentators control the cameras too, because these 2 guys are so annoyingly bad it wouldn’t surprise me.

Survey is the correct way of saying it but yeah

Overwatch matchmaking working as intended

So trolls are finally figuring out ways to troll in NMS? What took them so long?

Bro... Can I just read the comments without scrolling to the next article? Thanks