Samuel Benjamin Busch

My, my so cynical and rude.

Lynn Walsh as the head of the SPJ is one of the most qualified people to speak on issues of journalistic ethics there is and Mercades is a well respected member of gamergate that is well known for her public speaking skills, ironically the only unknown was the guy on the panel who got his position because hes a game

2/3 of the gamergate panel is female.

I'd like to apologize for the length of this reply, there is a lot of specific things that needed refuting or clarifying in the articles you posted.

"Well, the guy who started it posting explicit pictures of
his games writer ex-girlfriend all over the Internet could be considered "Harassment""

Could you define what you mean by "attack" because my response very much depends on what you mean by that, I could interpret that 3 way.

That is a pretty sexist attitude right off the bat, why are you ignoring the contributions to #gamergate made by women?

That seem like a pretty absurd take on gamergate.