
I’ve tried to describe Karp as an inarticulate naturla philosopher. His inability to really get a lot of the social contrivances that make him seem like a werido sometimes also sometimes seem to lend him insight to see past those contrivances to some real shit.

Karl Pilkington’s got a head like a fucking orange.

That bald headed manc twat is a genius

That’s kind of Ricky’s thing though, shitting on EVERYONE.

Look pal, I’m from Pittsburgh and fake news. There’s no way you could see that far into Ohio from the top of the containment wall.

Clearly fake news. I’ve never seen anything resembling pizza in Ohio.

Your country is racked with riots that will probably end in murder and violent oppression and you are butt hurt about picture? DIAF.

I mean I’m not saying better research couldn’t have been done, but are you able to quickly identify a western European person’s nationality immediately upon looking at a picture of them? What about an African person or someone who lives in an Asian country?

I was expecting to find out she was half Asian, but half Hispanic fits too. The halfies in CA are the worst offenders of racist behavior because they all turn around and try to use the “My [parent] is X” defense.

It’s possible have voted for Hilary with zero hesitation and still think this sounds like a really crummy idea and be confused as to why she’s involved in it.

Cant you guys stuff these two annoying twats (Trumpy and Hillary) into a target drone and send it up for some heavy machine-gun target practice?

They can’t “stay neutral”. They have to stampede in support of whichever candidate seems likely to provide the most and largest paychecks, jobs, contracts, special favors and preferred access. And they need to decide who that is likely to be very shortly. They’re like sharks — if they’re not hunting all the time, they

Am I doing this right?

As far as I can tell, verrit isn’t just pro-Clinton, it is also quite explicitly anti-Sanders. A search on the site for “Bernie Sanders” turns up nothing, and a search for “Sanders” turns up only one image, which is negative.

“Bernie would have won” is an instant block.
Useless and baseless conjecture. Betrays someone unfocused on the challenge ahead.

Juiceiro, but for news!

“Unable to discern truth from fiction by yourself? Let corporate politics shape the truth for you! Now with 25% less ads - Join now and receive a ‘I couldn’t get white women to vote for me’ t-shirt.”

Peter Daou is a goddamn Sith Lord of Bullshit. It’s his job, it’s his fucking vocation. The fact that he can somehow still get funding for yet another bullshit enterprise (how are things at Correct the Record or ShareBlue going these days?) says nothing good about anyone involved, especially the institutional donor