
Actually, I don’t!

If a cryptocurrency-funded cyborg built by Elon Musk hacked into Paul Ryan’s Instagram using a raspberry pi modded to look like an Atari 2600, Kingsford would be pissed that Gizmodo mentioned Ryan’s political affiliation.

Net neutrality supporters on Wednesday unveiled a campaign aimed at unseating US senators who refuse to overturn the FCC order repealing net neutrality.

You mean covering how someone used technology to threaten a certain political group and threatened violence against the media and how the technology responded? Yes. Super political.

And remember when the Republicans weren’t so amazingly anti-tech?

And just like the show you’ve referenced you have mistaken contemporary populist sociopolitical ambivalence for apolitical apathy. Sorry that people who aren’t you suddenly seem to give a shit. I like South Park but fuck their cynical antagonism towards anyone who cares.

I quit subscribing to JonTron principally because I couldn’t stomach his commenters (which, after the controversy hit, seems largely Neo-Nazis defending racism and bigotry) but I think he has lost subscribers. PewDiPie however...

As someone who works for a somewhat popular youtube channel(s), I’d say a lot of them are great people, but you get these superstars who seem to rise to fame beyond their capacity to be good people.

It’s frustrating when you work (and it’s real work) to get 100,000 subscriber, while some dingus can act like a jackass

YouTube shouldn’t do anything to him. He didn’t do anything illegal.

YouTube will do what it always does - overreact and make it harder for non-shitbags to succeed on the site, somehow.

As opposed to..?

So Much This. And let’s all remember that PewDiePie is a guy whose channel is still mostly just videos of him screaming dick jokes while playing shitty Steam games.

I’ve found there is literally only one type of person who uses the SJW acronym, and that’s a dudebro who likely has little to no social interaction outside of the internet, spends most of his time screaming at his tv or computer monitor, claims he voted for Donald Trump (but didn’t actually vote at all). His internet

when are you going to learn that Social Justice Warrior is not a pejorative?

let me guess: is this about ethics in YouTube Journalism?

Mind if I just go ahead and copy your posts for a unit on sophistry?

Oh, and irony, too; that whole “I’m going to comment on what I assume your emotional state must be, but you’re the one projecting” bit was gold.

...and there’s the Red Herring/Strawman combo!

Dude, seriously, trying to deflect from the content of the article by saying, “Well, if they’re going to cover this, obviously they should cover houses, too,” and then seeking to cover your ass with a further, “Wait, but you must’ve included arcades in a statement that was

I think what’s happening is that someone’s either a fan of the YouTube content producer at the core of this article, or is a fan of another content producer that has previously received less-than-glowing coverage from Kotaku.

I could very well be wrong, but the level of effort being expended on what this poster

Offering a response to a paper-thin accusation of “misrepresentation” (with no accompanying examples) now counts as being “buttmad.”

Man, I feel like I ought to be paying tuition, with all the life-changing lessons I’m getting today! What’s next, professor?

TIL: Reporting on factual events = misrepresentation.

And, as a bonus, Kotaku, a site that describes itself as covering “games and gamer culture,” should evidently not cover YouTube, many of whose biggest names make their living by either playing, reviewing, or commenting upon games.

Insert “The More You Know.GIF” here.