
I’m sorry. Got on a roll there and couldn’t get out of it.

You see, hating someone who hates you for no reason and constantly attacks you and your rights is totally different from hating someone for no reason or because they are different and scare you. The hatred you see in the dems is only there because of the hatred directed at them and the people they care about on a

we’re disgusting? Did Trump tell you that while he was grabbing you by the pussy and kissing you all over because he’s a big star?

And Pence. And Reibus. And Tillerson. And anyone in the Trump cabinet. And anyone that works for Trump. And anyone that voted for Trump.

Come on. Not this one. Not now.

You’re a perfect example of failure. Failure of critical thinking. Failure of assuming responsibility where its owed. Failure to analyze and comprehend simple events. Polls now show the same as they did back in the spring. Bernie Sanders would have won and Hillary was thee most unpopular and untrusted politician in a

If it serves as a wake up call to the DNC to support a progressive candidate in the future, then it was worth it.

Sure, it’s called vote him out of office in 4 years. Stop crying.

Fans probably don’t care because they actually consume foreign media. They don’t need Scarlet Johanson as Major Kusanagi—-they have happily hauled their butts to movie theaters to see Gianna and Koyuki in Blood the Last Vampire. Because they are fans of anime; it’s just another day that ends with y.

That being said, who’s to say The Major is pure Japanese in her future?

So how do we feel about all the missing Caucasian characters in Attack on Titan then?

How dare someone write an article about something you don’t agree with! No more articles about things we don’t agree with!

You mean her “ghost” is, right? Her soul? because she doesn’t have human parts other than that.

Her mind is japanese. Her body is a mass produced military android. “Race” isn’t really about skin color in GITS.

You want to know why Trump won?

President Pence, which is a trillion times worse.

Pence becomes President. That would be a very, very bad idea.

People think the worst things about the Trump presidency is that Donald Trump is a hate-spewing, divisive narcissist with no experience or plan.

But the worst thing for me is that Mitch McConnell is happy.

Trump’s recruits are shaping up to look like a packed clown car. Every buffoon possible jammed inside. Thiel, Guliani, Christie, Carson, Palin, all his mutant relative nepotism appointments.

For the life of me I’ll never understand why the democrats cleared the decks to anoint a candidate who had already failed miserably in 2008 and who revealed herself to be isolated and utterly out of touch with the electorate.