Samuel M.

It is the same as solar. It takes years if not decades to get your return, but in the long run we need it more than the profits.

It is just there to show you that the light at the end of the tunnel involves Justin Beiber. Gruesome I know.

I'm amazed it didn't take his lip with it. Their bite force is up there with crocodiles.

I still have a virtual boy in its case. I figured with how crappy of a seller it was maybe it will be worth something some day.

Only a matter of time before a Japanese game where they wear schoolgirl uniforms ><

So if I buy this for the vita, do I have to buy it for the ps3/4 separately?

Nah its just a pc that we can use on our couch.

If you vote for me then you are admitting that the comments are the best part :)

As long as they change the main character's face to not look like Micheal Jackson I'm in. I loved the game play.

I'd love to see a good CGI version that just picks up at the end of one episode and ends at another. Who knows it could be awesome. Imagine picking up at the spirit bomb fail and following through to the destruction of Namek.

Nino Kuni was a way better final fantasy than 13. Except for the Micheal Jackson look alike lead, I actually liked how they did 12.

You can never beat him because he is a PC guy duh!

Sorry to say this, but Francis is full of Sh!t. I'm not saying get a real job. I'm just saying accept that you job is virtual. Just because you care about someone doesn't mean that what they are not doing is not wrong. You are at fault!

The dude is a hero as far as I am concerned. He brought the expensive side of media to the public that can not afford it.

Big surprise that regulation actually works when it used right.

I'm not even to the Mary part yet and I done figured that one out. That's kind of like calling Ryan Seacrest's orientation a spoiler alert. Not sorry if I misspelled it.

Being offended by nudity is a learned trait. Blamee our culture, but in the end yah it started because some priest way back when wrote "Yah and they should have to cover that big thing up... it makes mine look too damn small."

Old school Gif there. Pixels and all

LIES!!!! Bacon Sundaes are Fucking Awesome dairy heart attack grenades.