In all fairness that photo sucks. They obviously need to replace their ink cartridge reprint it and then send it again.
In all fairness that photo sucks. They obviously need to replace their ink cartridge reprint it and then send it again.
And just another example of how Hip Hop stupidity can make the death of another seem acceptable, by placing a $300 price tag on something that costs $10 to make.
Sorry, but you aren't winning this one. Maybe go after the local billboard companies for bad plastic surgery or something.
I am Bernie and I approved this message.
And if you send your kid to school with some home made pot roast, you get charged $10 for some Ritz crackers because you didn't have any grain... Yay for the food pyramid.
I raised 2 Thanksgiving day turkeys several years back. Worst thing I ever did. They were so much nicer than chickens. They followed me everywhere and never pecked at me or nothing, they were just kinda nice. The next time I raise turkeys it will be as pets not as food.
LMAO I remember driving by that giant dick every day on my way to school at Calvary.
I seriously hope this does not become a genre... But "cough" it was funny
And the gayest gay gamer award goes to... Justin Beiber? Really? who chooses this crap, it seriously the dude with the console boxes, dildos and a gun! WTF is wrong with you judges. Ok you win... he is Justin Beiber after all.
Fox news will find a way. As long as their retractions fly by on the ticker they'll say anything.
I have a Vita, and I love it.
This takes a whole bunch of my pride away to say it, because I'm from Ann Arbor... but Ohio states was better... OU sucks!
this hurts to watch... because the one on the right is so awesome he can take them all on and still suck.
I must be a style retard, because I think as usual this looks stupid as can be. I liked the tongue sticking out part a few weeks ago... at least that we all agreed was dumb.
I was thinking the same thing, but its ok because cats are evil. They are a man made predator that shouldn't exist normally. They kill for fun instead of food. DiE OutDoor CaT! My inside taby is fine though. ;)
You know... Jesus was a single middle age dude with 12 dude groupies... Just sayin
for the people who's AH has been screwed up with dirt cheap ores and herbs since forever... That means EVERYONE
If only Bliz were honest enough to offer a free month or two of subscription to its subscribers to offset the unbalance they have experienced because of this. They won't though, because as the Karate Panda has shown... They will do anything for a buck.
She looked so unhappy I just had to do it, even on this crap comp only using Paint lol.
just getcha a gun that will fix your problems. I heard that on fox news.