Samuel James Reha

"It could be the beginning of a new X era in space travel."

@WFROSE: True, though I myself am a layman and simply going off of what I learned in my highschool chemistry class.

@theenemysgateisdown: Then we shall make a submarine 3 orders of magnitude larger than any built today.

From the Half Life 2 entry:

@fa11enSpectre: Because the computer versions of AC are never as good as the console versions?

@thebebop87: It's almost exactly The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly, except John Marston is Blondi, almost every mexican is Tuco, and every rich guy is Angel Eyes.

I believe nearly every time you used the word "liquid" in your post, you meant "fluid".


@m4ximusprim3: Well, that was the point, right? To follow the books as little as possible?

@classenmindy: And it would have been so alliterative, too. :0

@EljhHck: No, see, the nukes cancel each other out.

"The only problem? Well there are many, but besides the potential cost of the entire idea, getting the ship off the coast of a hostile nation undetected could be a bit tricky. Still, It'd be entertaining to see a country with enough guile to try and pull this off."

So, bigger than the ISS? At least the size of a football field?

MadWorld was black and white, and that's a pretty notable title.

@ortizlgnd4: I don't know, the car follows a very predictable pattern, almost always hitting the same barricades and vector-correcting at the same spots each lap. I'd say, whether or not the video is outright proof, it's certainly believable evidence that some Kinect games, this kart-racer in particular, have

@DocHobo: I was thinking the same thing, why not do a bundle that packed GoldenEye in with a Wii, maybe even with the golden classic controller? Or a SMG 2, or Super Mario Allstars bundle?

"Call of Duty Creators Infinity Ward Have Been 'Reconstructed' "

@dxecuter: Not the anti-chambers! D:

@Shiryu: Cool, lemme know how it is. :)