Samuel B. Elliott

To date my readings have revealed that the biggest hurdles are cost and texture. It simply is cheaper to raise meat than "grow" it in a climate controlled, lighted, electrically fed (contractions to make texture), and chemically sterile lab. Also, food is not really even "clean" so there is another taste factor to

@artiofab: My complaint is twofold. First, like the argument about marijuana being a "gateway drug"; a distortion of the truth, even for good intent, destroys the credibility of the argument. I agree we need to stop polluting. But the evidence is not present that we are having any effect on the temperature of the

Having just flown through an airport using these there is a damn good reason not to. All the other reasons aside whether you feel they are valid or not, these things are slow. The speed that people can proceed through them is 1/4 that of the metal detector. You need to remove everything from your pockets, paper,

@artiofab: As you have illustrated but deny; you do not see anthropologic global warming as a question. You see it as a fact. I can throw as many web site references as you around but all that proves is that we know where to find people willing to distort the truth in print. The article (Sci Am) referenced shows

All things being equal; fat people use more soap. Derp science at its finest.

@artiofab: You are ignoring one entire side of the debate. Go buy this month's Scientific American. Do some light reading. Accept the fact that the simplest solution is that if warming and cooling cycles happened before we arrived, without our influence; they will happen again, without our influence. Also

The revolution will occur when the chocolate supplies run out.

@artiofab: Occam's razor disagrees.

If only this level of research were done BEFORE the initial publication. Ass-hats.

Ok I just sized up a pool noodle. This is sad for another, smaller reason, for whomever contrived this.

@Nivenus: Self recognition begins and ends with the avoidance of death. Just my opinion. I am always amazed at how far a researcher will go to bias a result. Testing should always be to the upper limit. If you only allow a shot glass to be filled once from them, the oceans would have a measured capacity of one

@glwtta: This is the same argument I have seen in cognitive tests in humans only. At its core the argument is "Intelligence tests are unfairly biased toward smarter people". the long form being that we need to test only to the limit of the less intelligent beings mental capacity. This somehow proves that they are

Dateline 20,000 BCE: Smart peeple in villuge kunsernd dat small peeple play wit rock to much.

I have forgiven him for Episode 1. I am still working on 2 &3.

I would want to do exactly what he did. That is where it would end. we would all want to hurt someone who violated a family member. I would stop myself because it would injure my daughter further to see her daddy in jail. That is where thinking ahead pays rich dividends.

GM you have disappointed me for the last time. My giant Buick gets 26 MPG most of the time and this is the best you can do. After all the promises and taking MY MONEY as a bailout. Hey i heard Ford has hired former Apple designers for the dash layout...

@caine3320001: Rather than trying to contradict something I didn't say, let's stay on topic. Your point was that we need to outlaw larger vehicles. You have not provided any reasons why, other than a personal dislike. And other than trying to turn this into an ideological debate, have not contributed further. I am

@emiliano.pecoraro: Anyone care to guess why its called "Arch"-ery. It is even named for the fact that you need to aim for an arc, not a line. There is no paradox, only the misconceptions of the foolish. BTW, bullets arc too. And I believe Mr. Einstein demonstrated that even light bends from the influence of