Samuel B. Elliott

HFS. I am a 'Droid all the way. (even ate pork for dinner)

@tomsomething: No. The limbs shift suddenly forward, and since the bow outweighs the arrow the whole assembly shifts forward.

@8x10: Chaka Khan Bra.

@tomsomething: Bows recoil out. Guns recoil in. I am lifetime archer and can tell you that the weight of the bow only matters if you are carrying it in your hand all day. Bows, like guns, can be and are, slung when carried for extensive periods. If you want lighter, man up and get a recurve.

@jetRink: Ok, back to biology here for a minute. Carbon, silica, water substrate = perfect growing medium. Plants are composed of, you guessed it, carbon. (Mainly) Maybe we could compress it and burn it like coal. Now that, my friends, is recycling.

I wanted a better user experience from my pc. So I installed linux. Isn't this essentially a Mac emulator without the useful ability to run Apple software?

First television show to depict sexual intercourse. Just a little trivia.

@fury161: or possibly they are making light of an obviously farcical, obviously flawed, and only relevant to one website, survey.

Or perhaps more iphone users need to resort to dating websites... Not that there's anything wrong with that.

@Timothy Neill: Not quite. Discrediting an incorrect hypothesis does not require complete knowledge, which none of us have on anything, by the way, it only requires showing where someone made an erroneous leap of reason. So while I may not know the entirety of your credentials, I can say unequivocally, that you made

@xzibillion: That's it. How much more has anyone else heard about that. Seems isolated and possibly customer caused breakage. Apple isn't at fault for people dropping the iPhone either BTW, just to clear that up.

This is not too far. Apple fanboys are the Jehovah's Witnesses of technology.

@ProjectGetAStar: Actually it has been determined, through eeg, that most cognitive function switches off while watching television. So this is a surplus of coal from a salt mine. Something about apples, something about oranges...

The only reason it is time to move on is because it is apple. Read the heaps of carp you piled on the Droid X, which by the way, functions no matter how it is held, and compare that to the easy skating away you leave apple with. I call B.S. Look at this objectively and not as a fanboy, Giz. Please. Fo all our

@theblazeuk: The methodology is, of course, flawed. Survey all occupations and determine the salaries based only on sex. Discard the fact that women and men tend to gravitate toward different jobs. Then decide the relative pay of each, and report. Always ignore the different occupations part. 90% of the imbalance

@Dan Chin: Whole chapters of textbooks in business classes are devoted to the cultural bias on things like handshakes.

OK now all together. "The laws of Physics are based on observation, and as such can never be broken, only altered. " Thank you. Please refrain from this ridiculous statement in further postings.

The original strength meter algorithm was designed to hide the piss poor AT&T coverage. We apologize for ever letting you believe you could use our wonder phone on such a network. And although we admit to lying and complicity; we assure you, our unquestioning zealot fan-base, we will never do it again.