Sam Torres

As a songwriter, I genuinely enjoyed that whole plot to please the giant floating heads, via music.

I legitimately have no problem with this episode having been relegated to one similarly Rick and Morty'd timeline even if not's the "main main" one. I believe it follows one specific Rick and Morty for most of the show, but it wouldn't surprise me if it had deviated from the one specific timeline just for at least one…

I might have unpopular opinions but I find 'Family Guy' to be mildly entertaining on it's best days, largely unwatchable, self-congratulatory masturbating bullshit garbage the rest of the time, while 'Bob's Burgers' is a sweet gem that I feel goes under appreciated in today's TV landscape.

I feel like the cleverness of this joke has gone severely unappreciated with only 12 upvotes. πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½

They were two shotgun blasts but two suspiciously bloodless shotgun blasts.

Those shots to Velcoro did look pretty fatal, and it would be a great shock if they killed the best character 2 episodes in, but the 2 most suspicious things I think are the choice of words "…one of my guys gets SHOT…", not killed, and the I rewatched the end scene and it is very suspiciously lacking in the blood…