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    Me too! Power Windows was actually my first concert, period. I got Marillion as the opener.

    I saw Down and Pentagram about a month ago, and the Pentagram set was basically like Jason Heller's story.  Liebling stopped the show about a half dozen times to bitch about the sound, which was great.  At one point Anselmo came out and delivered his own rant about how Pentagram deserved more respect, they should fix

    I saw Down and Pentagram about a month ago, and the Pentagram set was basically like Jason Heller's story.  Liebling stopped the show about a half dozen times to bitch about the sound, which was great.  At one point Anselmo came out and delivered his own rant about how Pentagram deserved more respect, they should fix

    Jeez, mugged 5 times before you turned 13?  What were they expecting to get out of it - Bazooka Joe?  Marbles?

    Jeez, mugged 5 times before you turned 13?  What were they expecting to get out of it - Bazooka Joe?  Marbles?

    His mother hung him on a hook once.

    His mother hung him on a hook once.

    So where the hell is the Gateway to Geekery?  I really didn't need to know which order to listen to VU's five albums.

    I don't care if it was only for one episode.  The best companion (at least in the newer iteration) is Wilf.

    Sideways - does Virginia Madsen take Paul Giamatti back or not?

    Yeah, I didn't like this subplot, but I don't see how it's that different Geogewise from driving the Rosses all the way to the Hamptons.

    To me it's not the nostalgia or the money, it's that I no longer have any interest in going to a 20k seat arena or 50k seat stadium to see a band.  I did those types of shows in my youth, but now that I'm an old fart I vastly prefer smaller venues.

    Jeez, you people.  A whole thread about Jeremy Piven's career and why anybody would like him and not even a mention of Pilot George?