That's why the put nuclear warheads on missiles. They don't need to make a direct hit, although it does up the ante considerably.
That's why the put nuclear warheads on missiles. They don't need to make a direct hit, although it does up the ante considerably.
You just hit the (Chinese made) nail on the head (with the Chinese made hammer).
If you’re “into” cars, you know that 429 Cobra you see on the road is a replica, because a real one is too valuable to be riding around the highway with bad drivers lining to rear-end you. And the replicas can (almost) be as much fun (scarey) as a real one. No one drives a $500,000, irreplaceable work of art down the…
Missiles on highly mobile launch trucks are the best. We, and the Russians,(and everybody else) have hundreds of these. The Army just wants a new toy, like any other (incredibly rich) kid. Ahh...the joy of waking up on Christmas morning, running into the living room, looking under the tree, and finding a BRAND NEW…
Not just fired, but put in FRONT of a firing squad.
And stay there.
You could've saved a lot of typing by just saying it's ugly!
I think it was a loose nut behind the steering wheel.
Classic case of too much horsepower and not enough brains. Oh well, daddy will buy him another one.
Paint it green and call it "Shrek".
After that, came “Herpies, The Love Bug”.
I too, am addicted to the sound of a sweet motor. An electric hum is nice, but it doesn’t move the blood through my body. I had a 1958 Alfa Giulietta when I was 19 (1968). The previous owner had put in an exhaust cutout plate that allowed me to open up the exhaust pipe before the muffler. So with a simple flick of the…
How about the heater/defroster switch the 67 VW Squareback.
Like what other people have said, GM has to make a product people want. The electric car and self-drive technology is changing the automobile faster than than a large manufacturer can keep up to. Just like the dinosaurs, change or die. GM has to stay profitable, or else. All the unfortunate line workers must have felt…
Don’t forget, that spending large amounts of money in your home town means the tax revenues from your purchase go to YOUR town. Not to mention wages paid to local residents. And those employees spend money in YOUR town. Keeping it local has many benefits for you and your neighbors.
You sneeky dog. You got out of rightfully earned parking tickets because your car was misidentified. Well, allrigh, I guess!
You should apologize to pigs.
Did you leave out lien' con-man?
We can only hope, but I doubt it.