Samson walker

All the nerds cry foul again. They'll be guys bitching about how this isn't like the game at all.

melon farmers
mother feelers

Well, frankly the love story in Her looks unbelievable and it clearly shows that Joaquin's character is mental unbalanced, he'll probably have a mental breakdown during the course of the movie as everyone tells him he can't love a computer operating system. Because he can't, he's clearly a delusional man in the need

Looper, wait a minute was that the movie where we spent half the movie stuck in a farmhouse with Joseph Gordon Levitt, Emily Blunt and her creepy kid who had carrie powers or some shit. Or was that the one where he was fighting his future self which was Bruce Willis, oh wait they were both the same movie. It's just

Someone with too much time on their hands.

More N words than you can shake a fist at and probably another scene of mandingo fighting. I'm still waiting to see the TV version of Django, it's going to be full of overdubbing or blanks. "I count six bullets BROTHER, I count two guns, BROTHER."