Sam Anderson

Anybody else feel like the guy in the drunk tank with Bailey was completely based on Otis the Town Drunk from the Andy Griffith Show? I know that sounds random as hell but come on, that was definitely offspring of Otis….okay I'll go now.

Yeah, I definitely think they set it up that way and I think that'd really cheapen what the show is now. But, hell, maybe they could drive the point further home? Idk. I mean one of the weird weak spots (though likely intentional) was how constantly cruel everyone was to Tyler while wondering why a mistreated girl

To say that he's 100% responsible is saying he basically killed her himself. I felt like he was at least present and trying to help her, even if in the end he failed. Just another addition to the list of people who could've done better.

Good to know, thanks! But I do wish the scene had its own way of explaining that. Perhaps it will in the future. Otherwise, it just feels like its referencing something unfamiliar.

I gotta agree. The intense reviewing of the score is a bit much.

Plus, how much was he driving while totally hammered?

Holy shit, am I the only who thought the dentist office interview was waaaaayyyyy over the top? The scene ended and I was left wondering if it was a poorly done nightmare for Ashley's mom.

I've never seen a review gives so much attention to the score.

I was wondering how everybody read the catcalling bit. I mean it was funny, just wondering I guess if it's considered a double standard when a woman does it.

I feel like if it was "rapey" then Sarah would've had to "unburden" herself the next day by telling Eddie that was not cool. But that never happened. Even the follow-up plays it off like it was consensual.

I think there was probably a miscommunication with the producer. The writer of the episode and Jerry probably wanted the accent for a certain amount of realism/relatability, plus it's an easy laugh. On the DVD, the writer wants Hoch for the different spanish accents he's heard from Hoch. Either way, the episode

I think it was the boring melodrama for the first hour or so.

Yeah, I could see that, if it was in the right tone.

As for the Jeff-Annie kiss, I thought the idea was, in fact, moreso fan service. Which was okay. But the reviewer calling out Jeff for kissing Annie seems silly to me. It's a goodbye kiss. That's all.

I basically agree with Kyfow. Funnier than usual, despite the lack of realism. But I'm actually kinda tired enough the show that I've decided to plot its ending and w/o reading that article from f**king Toby, I think now'a a good time. I'm gonna kill it w/some spec episodes. Feel free to email me your

The beautiful cinematography, war sound effects and smaller narratives couldn’t save this movie. My top 15 thoughts watching the new Steven Spielberg flick:
15. Cheeeeeeese! Loads of it.
14. Lots of sentimental music. I feel like shouting, “Easy on the strings, Mozart!”
13. Joey? The war horse’s name is Joey? Seriously?