Samshel Darkspear

I would say anywhere from 8 to 30, depending on how fast you read and how well you can handle all dem feels.

The fact that Sir Daniel Forstesque is nowhere to be seen in the preview makes me both sad and angry.

I love the effort that went into it, that with the backround and everything!

I kind of expected one of the good highlights to be Kenji. He's the best supporting character you could ask for in this kind of game.

Hey, chill on the spoilers there man! The "Manly Picnic" scene was one of the best surprises in the game, and knowing what's coming kinda ruins the impact of it.

I expect the classic "Damn, look at dem titties!!" to show up any minute now, even though it mostly appears in Cosplay articles or pictures with lots of cleavage.

I guess this explains what happened to Benjen beyond the wall...

That would be glorious!

I still don't get why we never got a MediEvil 3, or why they haven't bothered to put MedivEvil 2 on the PSN. This is probably one of Sony's best IPs and it feels like they don't care about it.

Well, as awesome as it sounds I guess I'll have to pass...

I don't know why I expected it to be somewhere around 50 bucks, perhaps 70 but holy crap.

Fucking T'ai Fu man, or Kevin Butler.

So, I got hyped over Descent: The Road to Legend and went to check it out on Amazon. 289 Dollars. Fuck no.

They could get rid of it all, leave the Arkham City name out and just put Batman there doing nothing. It would still sell.

Holy shit, those "Fuma"shirts would sell like hot bread here! You see, "Fuma" means "Smoke," as in smoking, and college students here have an odd fondness with "gag" or "ironic" shirts.

I think you might be onto something here, at first I thought we were dealing with a hairy man with a fondness for bandanas and fur coats. I would have never guessed he was a bear!

Hey, that gun makes up for any impractical clothing. Can't fight due to your need to look fancy? Shoot his ass.

Not only do we find them, but they usually stick along and are less of a hassle than the "pick-up" ones.

Well, Pedobear was known as "Kuma" and hey, this guy also happens to go by that, it's not that much of a leap in logic to see some resemblance.