"Tyrion and Silent Bronn Strike Back"
"Tyrion and Silent Bronn Strike Back"
If there is a person that spent five hours with this gem and didn't like it then I got news for you; that person is a replicant. No human could sit through the first parts of Okami and walk away without loving it.
Well, I knew I had gone too long without any major spoilers for this game...Maybe I should just try to make some room for it and get it one of these days.
The internet does love or at least tolerate corny stuff, else we wouldn't have that many memes and youtube shows with big fanbases floating around. It's just that this particular form of it just didn't fit me, the nostalgic elements in it seemed to be put there more as a bait than as a tribute and it just didn't…
See, "So bad it's good" can actually come from being corny and I'll admit that my definition of the term was rather narrow, but I'm willing to blame that on my current lack of sleep. It's just I've never seen being corny as something you try to do, it should just ooze off from the show and the characters organically…
Oh well, this is awkward. I just posted a long reply to your other comment summarizing my thoughts on the trailer. I've been having issues logging in and posting so I didn't see this until I wrote that one...Anyways, no, I didn't watch it.
The fact that you said that it is a real story just served to turn me off from it even more. It just comes off as being too damn serious for its own good, which is never a good thing when dealing with corny stuff. The key to corny stuff is that it works only when it happens as an unintended effect brought on by…
I think that this is proof that the internet has given Freddie, and other Youtube celebrities in general, way too much credit. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not a Debbie Downer who goes around hating everything and being snarky; if anything I love corny and campy stuff, but this was just bad.
It's kinda sad how the comment section on this weekly segment has turned into "Hey guys, read my comic!"
It's kinda sad how the comment section on this weekly segment has turned into "Hey guys, read my comic!"
Well, I've been hyped over this game for a bit now and I have come to conclusion that we aren't dealing with a Bethesda-like RPG here. If anything the game takes more heavily from Dragon Age: Origins than it does after say, Oblivion.
I would have to do that if she actually does it, though I don't think it'll go beyond being a funny idea since she needs to be ready to hit the airport the next day.
My fiancee and I are toying with the idea of having her go to a Midnight launch for Diablo III, stand in line and act all hyped up so she can tell the cashier "I'm here to pick up the game everyone's been waiting for!" At which point she'll hopefully get a copy of Diablo pushed on to her, giving her an opening to…
Hell, you would be surprised by the things I have to write about to earn my videogame money.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought that, then!
I'ts like their faces are made of puckered assholes.
He means that it's more of an anime than a regular VN, which is true. School Days has A LOT of animated segments that put most VN's with their static pictures to shame.
No problem, you asked a very good question that got me thinking. In the end Max Payne seems geared towards fun and casual play, while GRFS has all the elements needed from a competitive shooter, though that doesn't mean the game will be boring or generic.
GRFS will more likely than not have some serious and hardcore players, since the game requires a touch of finesse and tactical awareness....Unless you are playing with the kids who still think they are dealing with CoD.
It's funny because the shirt isn't even from one of the houses, but rather a character. Also, I gotta agree on the spoiler here, even though you can tell what's coming the second he gets Longclaw.