
I am trying.

I am trying.

Robb's probably would have been Theon, if Theon hadn't betrayed him.

Robb's probably would have been Theon, if Theon hadn't betrayed him.

Here's what I don't get about Stannis and his loyalty: wasn't he sworn to loyalty to the (Mad) King?

Here's what I don't get about Stannis and his loyalty: wasn't he sworn to loyalty to the (Mad) King?

I dunno.  That would be a smart move by Dany, and she tends to favor not thinking and getting a bunch of people who follow her killed.

I dunno.  That would be a smart move by Dany, and she tends to favor not thinking and getting a bunch of people who follow her killed.

I'm still of the opinion that Jon and his very-dark hair is Robert's bastard, and that Ned just agreed to cover for his King.  I could be totally wrong, of course, but the idea that Ned Stark of all people allowed his lust to override his honor struck me as implausible.

Cut off his hands, he used his hands to choke the kid.  Some poetic justice at least.

Right, although the underlying cause was Dany saying no to his marriage proposal and support for her invasion of Westeros.  Ruling Qarth was his silver medal.

She wanted to write something again, and seemed upset when Robb set it up so she wouldn't need to write anything.  I'd say she's spying for someone, although if its the Lannisters they don't seem to be much helped by the info she's gotten them to date.

I'll repeat that I want the Hound to gut Joffrey and wrap his intestines around Joffrey's head like a noose, and to do to protect Sansa.

They're young, they had proper clothing, it was 1 night, they did have each other for warmth, and it didn't sleet, hail, or snow and the wind wasn't bad.  Place is no picnic.  

Littlefinger indeed.  Definitely trust the guy who had a crush on your wife, whose advice you just rejected, and who specifically told you that you could not trust him.

Joffrey is a POS who always would have chosen to torture and kill because that's the only thing he enjoys.

I like your theory, mainly b/c I've come to see Dany as sort of incompetent whose success basically comes from her name and genetic line.  She seems like the character who most needs deus ex machina to rescue her from her endless series of stupid mistakes that get those affiliated with her killed.    

Renly had developed from a cowardly clown to someone seemingly capable of being a good king until he got offed by Smoky.

I assume that the sense it makes is that Dany sees him as her savior and her guide in Qarth, particularly since she doesn't trust Jorah as much (partially thanks to what Xaros said to her) and sent him ship-hunting.  
I also think Dany's kind of an idiot who is continually surprised that other people don't just view

I want to see him disemboweled by the Hound at Sansa's order, with his intestines wrapped around his throat like a noose.