I can’t seem to find any non-ebooks here. Is this my bad or are there no “regular” books on sale?
I can’t seem to find any non-ebooks here. Is this my bad or are there no “regular” books on sale?
I can’t seem to find any non-ebooks here. Is this my bad or are there no “regular” books on sale?
I can’t seem to find any non-ebooks here. Is this my bad or are there no “regular” books on sale?
Do you understand how destructive, disrespectful and deeply harmful Republican policies are?
this is a horrible take. props on excluding all queer & trans men, as well as all NB/GQ/GF people who may identify as men at times, from your feminism.
Man, people used to say him and Andre Miller were the best active players to not make an All Star team. He was pretty fun in Atlanta but once he got to Detroit....wooooof
Melee has stricter inputs with less frame leniency than most other traditional fighters. Allowing use of a controller that allows for things like frame perfect ledge dashes or inhumanly fast SDI has created the fear that the game would ultimately turn the game into a competition over who has the most advanced…
Think about it like speedrunning. There are a good amount of console speed runners who have hand or wrist issues resulting from a combination of poor stretching & using controllers like the GCC. In melee, there are enough players with hand issues that an alternative to the GCC would help. Boxes are currently banned…
I actually did go to high school with her and was sorta friends with her. She was super nice, really well liked, threw huge parties, was very popular and had a ton of guys who were into her. This whole thing of her not having skinny friends or being a loser is weird and contrived; everyone liked her a LOT. It's just…