
The lack of a back 9 will have been due to NBC having not enough schedule space. That actually works out since coronavirus shut down all the 20-episode series before they could shoot their finales, whereas B99 has already wrapped for the season.

I’m so frustrated they’re STILL doing Doug Judy episodes. The plots stopped being fresh after season 3, and introducing Trudy Judy has only served 1) to provide a plot that can sustain him now he’s well past his expiration date, and 2) to remind us that Doug Judy episodes actually felt fresh and exciting once, and

Pretty much agree with this entire review. Loved the episode and laughed at everything, but Rosa/Boyle was weeeeak.

The first few seasons were definitely much more leisurely. But since the move to NBC, the fast-talking and the rapid editing of many episodes has been noticeable. Dan Goor even admitted to the latter in the B99 podcast.

I think that’s somewhat key when you consider both friendships and what we know about Rosa’s closed-off personality. Her relationship with Boyle evolved so drastically from season 1 that he was the first person she felt comfortable coming out to, whereas we’ve seen before that Jake instantly recognises and doesn’t

This episode was OK, but was anyone else frustrated with it, especially with the characterisation of Jake? The whole “ringing distant relatives” gag took the meaningful character stuff into the “unprofessional, uncharacteristic Jake” territory that this season has displayed all too much (looking at interactions with

This seems like a very harsh review, centred on the fact that the segments of the episode don’t offer any “insight”. I don’t think that’s the problem your review makes it out to be, but that’s not what I want to focus on. This is my first comment on an AVClub review, and I want to counter your point that “Black