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    The script has been ripped apart by most fans, and the people giving the play good reviews have paid hundreds of dollars to see the performance. It is the worst thing I have ever read. Sometimes a script works better when it's performed…I cannot imagine the performance that the actors would have to give to make this

    He also wrote Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
    This film is doomed.

    Wait, so because writers are fascinated by the idea of the South winning the civil war, that means that they have a "sick, secret longing" for the return of slavery? Forgive me, but what the fuck? Maybe people are just interested in what could have been, and how that fictional version of America compares to the real

    After reading too many comments: The fact that some people are saying that intent and context don't matter in comedy…on a comedy website….that scares the hell out of me. Forget comedy, being willing to cut people slack by trying to understand why they said what they said is the foundation of tolerance. No, people

    Burt's Bees is lit?

    I think we all need to forget.

    Little boy from Lion stands up and points a trembling finger at Warren Beatty. "Of course we didn't, you LIAR!"

    Knock knock
    who's there
    La La Land
    La La Land who
    Oh never mind I meant Moonlight

    I remember when Alice Glass of Crystal Castles went on a rant about how Katy Perry was selling sex to impressionable girls. Made some good points. It's a bad sign when Crystal Castles can successfully take the moral high ground.

    I mean it was revealed to be imaginary last episode, so that's when I got mad about it. I would have been ticked at the beginning of the season if I had been smart enough to figure out what they were pulling!

    Workaholics barely made it, but unfortunately Idiotsitter isn't working for me. I think they both have the same problems though; Workaholics has just had more time to grow

    I mean they've got Another Period, Nathan for You, the Daily Show (I still think it's solid), Broad City, South Park, Workaholics, Drunk History…that's still a pretty good lineup of shows

    You're probably right. However..and I wouldn't bet money on this… I think there's a strong possibility that everything turns out to be an illusion of some sort. I don't think it's unbelievable that they'd pull something like that.

    It's been a while, but I think this is the first time that the entire setting of the show has been imaginary. I could live with imaginary people, but imaginary everything is a bit much.

    So I guess from now on we'll have to question the existence of not only every single supporting character Elliot interacts with, but also every setting. Also, Elliot's talking to us, the audience, meaning that this entire story could be taking place inside his mind.

    Wait, weren't there scenes with Ray from his own perspective that show him talking to his hitman in his car? Scenes that Elliot could have never witnessed?

    Come on man. The preamble's just me saying that I'm not some "men's rights activist". No this ad did not make me fear for my "man rights". But was it sort of manipulative? Yeah. Would it have been better if they had showcased an experiment that showcased real sexism? Probably. It was cringe worthy, not rage

    I get what they were trying to do, but no one would respond "Oh, throw like a girl? That means that I should throw as hard as I can!" The adults behind the camera were asking him to throw like a wimp. So regardless of noble intentions, the game was rigged against that kid. Those kind of tactics leave a sour taste in

    Uh was this directed at me? Because that escalated quickly

    It wasn't offensive in the slightest, but it was a bad ad. You ask a little boy to demonstrate a stereotype, and then grill him for doing exactly what you wanted him to do?