Sam Pagano

In cases like this tv reviewers have a problem of the people giving them the show also not totally understanding how it should be handled.

I was going to attack your choice, but then I realized I mixed it up with 9mm and a Three Piece Suit. Keasbey Nights is actually good for this. Although I would use the Streetlight version.

Dammit, okay since you stole my idea I'm going to have to go with Know Your Enemy.

There didn't really need to be an external investigation with the stabbing, it happened in broad daylight with plenty of witnesses to say.

What on earth are you talking about? I mean of course people hate Larry, he's a complete nonentity to the overall story of the show who mostly does things which are unlikable. But it's not like if the character where a woman with the same actions people's reaction would change.

We did see her outside the room once, she was doing something with the sink when the storm made the toilets overflow.

I'm pretty sure she's supposed to be dead.

I actually half expect him to improve things a little, but hat's atleast partially because from what we're shown it would be next to impossible to do worse than Fig. I mean like he said, all he really has to do is not steal from the prison for his own personal gain and he'd do better than her.

I actually liked that finale. I felt like it was a good resolution to most of the plots. I especially loved Rosa's sendoff.

Although it isn't unheard of for a prisoner to marry a guard as soon as they're free.

I mean that would have to be one really shitty editor who let that slip through.

I mean in his introduction he was a rude racist who got a Williams thrown in the SHU for something that was his fault, so I can see not liking him.

I mean I took that to be much more indicative of how far she'd fallen than anything else.

I found it to be pretty sad, mostly because this means she supported the Contras, which is just morally reprehensible.

I really don't see that, It's probably a mix what Mexican Blade Runner said, and the legitimate point she was just getting too full of herself rather than the movements she was working for. I mean they covered for her for years before eventually deciding she wasn't worth it anymore. From what we see she got better

Not even just that, Latin American left wing church members get a lot of flack from the wider church.

The only complaints I have are when the humanization fails, like I feel Figs attemps at humanization kind of fall flat because they don't really go enough into the self justifications she makes for her rotten actions.

Honestly, nothing about her character is really redeemed by the fact that otheres abuse her because she uses her small amount of power in the world to make it a worse place.

People die of wounds given in trials by combat a lot apparently, so it wouldn't surprise me the rule is simply "whoever dies first loses". Given how a retrial can't exactly be called that seems justifiable.

Eh, I think it works given his plan, he was hoping to use the confession as a way to justify then killing Tywin, and possibly every other Lannister he could get his hands on.