
god. why cant he go explore the ocean or something?

That’s the fundamental difference between the new-right and the “left” (that being their word, since Biden is about as center or center-right as conceivably possible for a democrat, and even Bernie Sanders is just approaching “left” wing). But there are no shades of gray to the new-right. It is either their way or you

This isn’t a case of the royal family using Evil Secret Royal Powers to censor the news, this is a case of news broadcasters agreeing to certain conditions to be granted access to record and televise the funeral, one of which conditions was allowing the royals a veto on which footage they could later use.

This is a ridiculous rationalisation “They’re not abusing their power, they’re just blackmailing news broadcasters”? Consider the reaction if the whitehouse said “Sure, CNN, Fox, you can all come to the whitehouse briefings, but only if we can tell you how to report on it”’s the royals using Ordinary Royal Powers to censor the news.  That’s a little bit better, but not by a ton (and also, pretty much how this article presented it anyways).

Go find me an actual economist who can show how inflation has affected Netflix's bottom line. I'll wait.

Of executive pay and bonuses for sure. 

How about teaching the piggies to de-escalate instead of dominate and subdue? I’m old enough to remember when cops didn’t all carry assault rifles and treat citizens like enemy combatants.

Can be defeated with an umbrella. Won’t buy again. 1 star.

Wow. That looks like it works great for when someone isn’t moving and is standing with their arms at their sides. Good thing somebody invented this, I can’t imagine any other options for that particular scenario.

It doesn’t work if you’re holding a sword/light saber while facing the cop :)

Pigs just like hurting people and this doesn’t do enough of that. Too “less than lethal” for their liking, surely. 

We have clearly entered the “piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining” phase of LEO reform.

When I was a teenager a classmate of mine brought in a traditional Bola to school (the kind you twirl and throw at someone). He used it a lunch time on another kid that was running, hitting his thighs and tangling him up - he lost control of his legs, fell head-first into the concrete and suffered permanent brain

When your stock manipulating fascist finance daddy tanks your meme stock overnight with a 2-second punchline slipped in by a 42-year-old center-left conscientious objector trying to make the last two payments on his boat.

Crowder has also been using his YouTube channel to promote sales of his “Socialism is for Fags” shirts. Pretending this is just about “brief mockery” is disingenuous.

It won’t be a Google+ flop - but close enough