
Topic though dude. Maybe stop thinking about Deen's dick long enough to muster interest in a person almost being killed? I know it's hard..and you apparently like that - but try to stay on topic. i.e., a Woman..being beat almost to death. You really don't want someone teeheeing about a porn schlong after your mom

He (Adlerian) only watches James Deen porn, he's admitted it, inadvertently

'What's the dude's name? James Deen?' he says, trying to front like he doesn't have a James Deen dido at home under his pillow that he reams his ass out with.

Pretty sure if a notable dumbfuck mma douche almost kills his SO it would be in the news regardless of her profession.

Your Mom taught me everything I don't know.

I sense you're trying to make a point or school someone and failing miserably. ..or you're a troll.

I think she looks almost EXACTLY like her much younger self. Kinda the point of getting good cosmetic procedures/surgery and some photoshop.


First of all, duh. Second, I think you have your posts mixed up. Maybe you meant to address someone else. I wasn't calling anyone a cholo. I said the style is cholo. Much like wearing baggy pants below your tight whiteys originated in the pen.

You need to get out more. They are mimicking what's commonly known as 'cholo,' style/culture which largely originated with Mexican American or Chicano youth of a certain social strata...poor, working class.

from this...

....yeah I got that scrotum point remains the same: that it's useless and boring as all fuck to single out one oft maligned fake bitch in a sea of fake bitches just to say water is wet. But hey keep being basic.

I don't get why Babs at 72 is under a disdainful microscope. ..but no one ever dares say anything about her younger doppelganger 'poor Jen's' ' work,' radical face changes since Friends?

Why go there when you could say the same about her doppelganger Aniston? I'm fascinated at how we give some women breaks..never mentioning their photoshop or massive amounts of plastic surgery while others we're just full of disdain for...even when they're 72.

I think it's a combo of a little 11th her plastic surgery (which looks good in my opinion) and photoshop. Are we so surprised that women doing photoshoots are touched up w/photo shop?

OMG. Babs is turning into Jennifer Aniston, only prettier! Plus the bonus is, unlike Aniston, she's keeping some semblance of her old nose. Seriously, nice work.

Huh? Her, uh, 'humanity,' was proven a long time ago pre-pregnancy:

I wish she'd just announce she's menopausal and/or not having kids...course then the stories would be about Jen's surrogate's bump.

Someone should start a fundme for this kid, her image has been used so MUCH..and not one thin dime has she.

Whoopi is playing her role as master contrarian on this shit show. She does it all the time. Yes, she's an asshole and infuriating...but expect her to take the opposite position on most every issue of the day.