
Your analogy is false. Lastpass does not communicate it well, but they go way beyond a simple encryption of your database. All the encryption happens locally, your master password never leaves your local machine. Whenever you login locally your user name and master password are used to created a salted 256bit hash,

Using the same logic you should advocate for locking down Mac OS (or Win 7 for that matter) to only allow "apps" from an "official app store." Even if there weren't marvelous Cydia apps (like SBsettings, biteSMS, notified, callme, complete customization of look and sounds, which are all free btw), I will

You have apparently missed that Firestarter777's post was entirely ironic. Or maybe it wasn't? Then all is lost...

Do you have the LP plugin installed in another browser? If that's the case you still have a working local copy available. Go into offline mode in that browser, login with your old master password and then export your database (Tools —> 'export to' in the LP plugin; choose CSV file as format).

LastPass has always worked locally. All the encryption/decryption happens in your browser. You alway have offline access to your database, just as in KeePass, with the added convenience that you have multiple copies of your database on any browser & device you have ever used LastPass with. With LastPassPocket and

In fact LastPass is identical to Keepass as a local copy of your vault is always stored with every browser and device you've used LastPass with. You have offline access to it and can export the database to be used with an XML reader or with the LastpassPocket software. So no online access is necessary.

Thanks for the tip, will definitely check it out.

How about to just encrypt individual files on a case by case basis using a tool like AxCrypt? It's open-source as well. That way you can secure your sensitive files and still use the collaborative features. The vast majority of my Dropbox files are not sensitive so using Truecrypt (which has to be uploaded in its

I second that. I have yet to drink an Argentinian Malbec that isn't excellent. Skip the French and Italian wines in that price category, since the good ones never leave their home countries.

There's also [] , it's a meta-search site of deal sites (including slickdeals).

Allow me to use your post as a prime example of the widely exhibited social paranoia prevalent in U.S. society. ;-) I for one love public transportation, especially the NYC subway.

While I understand Lifehacker's love affair with Hamachi, it seems your solution is a bit of an overkill just to surf securely on public Wifi. Leaving a computer constantly running at home just for that purpose is a waste of electricity and contributing to global warming. Really not cool with me.

As mentioned in comments below, [] has been around for a long time and let's you create addresses on the fly, you don't have to be online or use a specific extension or website. Just create an address following the template (or any of their other domains, see their

@Deftly: Sorry, I made the mistake of re-editing after I had posted it, which messed up the links. When I realized it, it was too late to edit my post (there's like a 10 min. window or so for edits).

@ryan1313: I second that. [] uses 43 scanners simultaneously and you don't even have to upload a file, just type in the URL. I should have replaced the on-demand scanners in my previous post with this recommendation only.

@nvmtehpurplz: Homeopathic medication does have effects beyond the placebo level. That's why it's often prescribed by doctors in countries like Germany. According to my mom, my authority in this case, they work for her very well.

I believe this to really be "a pretty great update" once this software reaches one of the top positions on the yearly anti-virus summary report over at [] In my view Security Essentials cannot be considered better than Avira, the highest rated free AV tool, and it is not lightweight at all. SE

@bdinger: I believe the vast majority of Mexicans would agree with that T-Shirt.