
Have a friend who served on subs. If I recall the terminology correctly, you do actually “drive the boat.”

US Navy would like a word...

Interesting. Here’s my take - the only car I’ve had any experience with this feature was German; you’re taking about a Buick.

I thought most cars with Auto Start/Stop also had clutched electrical motors driving accessories like the AC compressor. Is that not the case?

You’re going to be so disappointed when you hear what they make the F150 Platinum out of.

How many UAW workers are employed at those plants?

UAW wages & benefits are not sustainable.

Fun fact - anodize creates microscopic cracks that serve as fatigue crack initiators. These cracks allows the dye a place to leak in. As a result you likely won’t find anodize on any aircraft structure; you will find alodine/iridite/conversion coating, optionally covered in paint.

I wasn’t saying the RHD Leaf would be unsafe - just that driving from the passenger seat is suicidally unsafe, but seems to happen all over the place for both contracted rural mail delivery and newspapers.

Nowhere near the package space that the current USPS vehicles have. Would probably be perfect for rural routes, though.

It would definitely help emissions but fuel taxes tend to be regressive in nature.

I suspect you were driving the 2.0T model Equinox? The base engine is a 1.5L and gets 30mpg pretty easily. I’d assume the sippy 2.0T only accounts for maybe 10-15% of all Equinox sales.

They’re not used “for work” so much as to get “to work.”

Its what I still use in my Dodge

Between your legs. Only buy cold drinks to save your nuts in case of spillage.

That $640,000 is before rebates. It’s more like $400,000, right?

Eco-conscious Northern European Arena Rock?

Not to mention over 500,000 Americans go bankrupt every year because they can’t afford their medical bills. The majority of them had insurance prior to medical care.

The average premium is about $500/month. $1700-$2000 must include your own personal dietician and trainer.

It’s seriously ridiculous. I went to urgent care for chest pain and they told me after waiting 20 minutes that I could be having a heart attack (27 decent shape) and should go to the ER... instead of helping someone they thought was having a heart attack.