
is the obvious answer not the kia soul? I mean...right?

As a CR-V owner, I think it’s pretty funny the RAV-4/CR-V rivalry. Battle of the Beige.

I’m just saying this because I have a weird unjustifiable liking towards these things. And given that she’s not looking for anything particularly exciting, just needs efficient and spacious transportation, why not? Wagons make everything cooler...even a Prius, right? -

Sounds like you need an autonomous car. Just browse jalopnik the whole drive. 

No commotion, no screaming brakes
Most of it’s over before I awake
From the ceiling my coffee cup drips
While out my window the horizon does flips
The worst part was hitting the ground
Not the feeling so much as the sound
Can’t help but wonder if all this is real ‘cause
Tonight is the night I fell asleep at the wheel

I certainly wouldn’t mind paying a bit more for fast food, say, if it meant people were getting paid a bare minimum to live on. But it’s a rather specific market segment that gets primarily impacted by the minimum wage 

They already can get paid quite a bit (60-80k with no education or background requirements), just the job is incredibly unpleasant and people want to do something else instead. Turnover is related to the nature of the work more than the pay itself in most cases.

“relatively few”. Lol, those 2 words are doing a LOT of work here. Ill tell you what we can do which would be cheaper and its remove the pilot completely.

I suppose, but my main exposure is living in Boston (and so living near eight hospitals) and thus seeing what the noise does in an urban environment to people in the sidewalk and even in their own homes trying to sleep.

Headphones drives me fucking mental... I see drivers all over california freeways with earbuds in and it’s annoying as fuck, because they’re oblivious to everything around them. At least twice I’ve nearly been merged-into because they couldn’t hear me laying on my horn when they were shoving me out of my lane.

5th Gear: It’s not clear from the story what caused the jump in the latest NHTSA report

Weird flex, but OK... 

This is revolutionary! Think about the reduction in wind resistance as well, only one truck(the one with the engine) breaking the wind. All these concepts combined would have the potential to break 200 mpg per tonne of cargo weight. The reduction in fossil fuels being burnt would result in fewer green house gas

China is kicking our ass in every way possible, from their Belt and Road Initiative, to their new “String of Pearls” - which isn’t a crude sexual term, I swear.

I had cones around the truck.picked them up threw them in the back got on the truck an this angry guy pissed off over a bill decided to pull behind me instead of finding a parking space. No big thing I probably totaled it and it was worth no more than a grand at that time. Micro cars and one ton trucks are a bad mix

A old man in a Metro who decided it was a good idea to pull in and park behind me while I was getting ready to back up. I crushed the whole front on his car and might have taken out the cab if the women in my office didn’t start screaming over the radio to stop.Never saw the car in my rear view mirror.
Yeah my fault

I never knew about the washer. Neat idea. (until you get a flat 100 miles down a muddy road I guess?)

Nice. Bet you never had fuel injection issues either!

The Soul is a far better rental, probably my favorite economy rental.