
Two doors are AWESOME! I’d be fine if my ELR didn’t have a back seat. I mean, everyone is not out there looking for a 4 door Chevelle, yeah? Also 95% of the time I drive alone. Having a car with only 2 real seats is also good at work as I never get asked to drive out to lunch. Win-win. Demuro was wrong.

I can either get paid mileage or a rental. One of those pays back better.

I wish I had more that 3 days in a windowless office there. Did have a nice beer at Zaftig, though. That wasn’t bad at all.

I’m in the market for a lake house!

You nailed it.

Not too far off. I did take a 2,900 mile road trip to help a friend get a car from Montana to the southeast a few months ago. So, yeah, kinda.

I commute 20 miles each way and have a charger at work. I do tend to drive lots for work. I typically drive 35K miles a year. I’ve driven to Columbus for business and am baffled why people live there.

She really likes the Wrangler. She has wanted one since she had a Jeep in Hawaii 20 years ago. Life gets in the way and makes it difficult to keep a second vehicle. With the Jeep, all the goals are met by 1 platform. I thought I’d never say that about a Jeep.

I debated getting a model 3 last year. Instead I bought a used plug-in and a boat. The Tesla would have cost just shy of $50K and would have cost more to insure and register (the state of Georgia is no longer so BEV friendly). All in, I still have spent about $13K less than the model 3 would have cost. I’m looking for

My cost per mile is far lower using electricity than any fossil fuel. My girlfriend just got a Wrangler PHEV for a good deal. It will probably work out to be cheaper than a similar Wrangler after the tax rebate. Getting something that can pull the boat without having another car is a good thing.

I had a leaf for a year (and a gas car as well) and lived in an apartment with limited chargers. At first there were no issues with the chargers and then it became difficult to get on a shared charger. At one point, I became so frustrated as to leave my Leaf at work on the charger and my gas car at home. It defeated

I have shared custody of my daughter and my ex lives out in the sticks. I pass the last Tesla charging station about 40 miles from her house. most of the route is very rural and would turn my 5-6 our drive to an 8 hour affair in a Tesla. My current PHEV and previous Prius have no issues with the trip.

Yep. I got the Cadillac version. The used prices were so close as to not matter. After looking at about 15 used Volts and 2 used ELRs the difference in how the vehicles were obvious. The Volts typically had about 20K-30K more miles, and the 2nd gen Volts seemed to all be ex-rideshare cars. The ELR I bought looked like

I really don’t get the hate, either.

I understand the limits of a Tesla. $47K is a grreat deal for that kind of capability. I bought a used PHEV last year for $19K. For typical daily commute, I run entirely on electrons.

Yep. My SO and I both travel frequently for work. I tend to have trips of at least 200 miles one way every 3 weeks or so. She tends to travel every 5-6 weeks. I’m currently about 750 miles from home. Drove here in 2 days. Last month, I drove 490 miles 1 way in a day. In February, I did 6, 200 mile days in 8 days. I’m

As of 2 days ago, I now have 2 PHEVs in my garage. The current BEVs will not work for my use case. I’m sure in the future they will. At this point I’d need to have 2 BEVs and 2 gas cars to meet my family’s needs. I feel that 2 PHEVs makes way more sense. 

Renting one over Christmas in 2019 was what made me think they’d be OK to have. I took my rental to a cabin during a snowfall in the Northeast. I’m sure someone with better snow driving talent could have driven up to the cabin in a Civic with snow tires, but it was crazy fun driving up in the Wrangler. My SO is going

I totally agree. They are expensive. Wranglers also have stupid high resale value too. Buying a used one just didn’t make sense. She’s wanted a Wrangler for like 15 years and you can’t get any other convertible to pull a trailer. We need an SUV or truck to pull the boat. She also needs to commute in Atlanta (radar

My SO ordered one for exactly this reason. The tax rebate makes the price very similar to a regular Wrangler.