Hurt me hurt me... But the pants stay ON!

“The rule would threaten the viability of the ride-sharing model as it currently exists,...”

I took “new normal” to just mean there’s no shock or surprise left hearing about another school shooting. It’s become so normalized. The same way the existence of devastatingly destructive firearms has become normalized, which, I can only theorize, has contributed to preventing the legislation of stricter gun laws.

I’m just mad they didn’t use her proper title. Maria is the OG financial news Money Honey.

Real estate prices in low lying areas don’t care about your feelings!

After completely devastating the Bahamas Alabama and teasing the entire southeastern coast of America Alabama with destruction, Hurricane Dorian made landfall in North Carolina Alabama today.

By every metric except some paperwork, this man was an American citizen. He was deported by people who knew full well he would be unable to survive. Now after dying miserable and homeless, they’re bringing his body back to the only home he’d ever known. What exactly was the point of all this? Cruelty for its own sake.

I want to address something here:

In his defense, he’s probably tired of having to kill a dog each time to reach orgasm.

So this was basically state sanctioned murder of a person who came here when he was one year old? Fucking disgusting, but I’m sure it got Steven Miller off.

“Jimmy’s death was an avoidable, unnecessary and predictable tragedy,” Levin said in a statement.

Just fuck off with your pathetic trolling, “homeboi”.

Given you write like you are functionally illiterate and the content of your writings is dripping with ignorance, I’m going to file your opinions in the worthless bin.

They always wanted a hard Brexit. It’s pretty apparent. Disaster capitalism only can happen in the event of a disaster; the dissolution of public schools in Louisiana for example.

Even if you accept that Leave won fair and square - I don’t, but that’s another issue - the Leave campaign won on the strength of a message that was ‘we will get a deal roughly the same as Norway and it will be easy and great’. Both Farage and Gove used Norway as the example explicitly. Tbh, I voted remain but if we

Reality isn’t a scare tactic.

Or that the guy who could get her son locked up mysteriously ended up dead while in police custody.


I mean is it actually a surprise that a literal hereditary monarch would enable the Tories, the party of hereditary wealth and elite conservatism?

She literally has to say yes because she is a figurehead. 

A no deal Brexit will help distract from the fact that her son is a child rapist.