Hurt me hurt me... But the pants stay ON!


Once you stick your hand in that wood chipper, it's hard as hell to get it out. Unfortunately, more and more people who don't have the support system are forced into it every day...

That’s just a literal depiction of the people of that region.

A.A. I’m so glad you said what you did about Jackie Brown. It’s my favorite film of his. In fact, it’s the only film of his I revisit. Even Pulp Fiction, all respect to it, doesn’t really grab me. But Jackie Brown does. It’s his most earnest, most emotional film. The plotting is perfect, the script brilliant, and it’s

No, I love New York City. I used to live there. Sometimes I miss it so much, I’ll fill my humidifier with urine.

Because living in a brick McMansion 5-10 miles from anything of interest and the most culturally significant thing in the area being the first McDonalds in the metro suburban area sounds like actual hell to me.

Everywhere you live has something shit about it. NYC is a fucking spectacular place to live. Why do you think people are willing to spend so much per square foot just to live there?  The NYC juice is worth the squeeze 

I used to order scotch neat with a coke back - we were both poor and she had the coke b/c she didn’t want to drink.

so that the show could use its budget in less episodes

. . . for thirty years.

Is Trump going to sell out his son as the one behind the Russian meetings and let him go to prison? Find out, on the next exciting episode of “How The Fuck Did We Get Here?”

But seriously, if he’s being reviewed by the intelligence committee, it’s likely because there’s something in the Mueller report that they’ve seen

At least Billy Porter is doing high camp (as opposed to the rest, who are doing kitsch). Lord, I hope Bette Midler was invited - SHE can teach them all how it’s done.

I hope that she is, at the very least, exceptionally uncomfortable every waking moment of every single day for the rest of her life. And that would be going easy on her.

okay now they are just deliberately fucking with us

Yep. People like to make a lot of fuss about how much notice they should give as a courtesy to their workplace and colleagues, which I suppose is somewhat admirable, but seriously, the corporation does not care about you. If you were hit by a bus, they would post your job opening tomorrow and not think twice about it.

That’s why the film is so imminently spoilable

While part of me wants to reflexively say: ‘fuck you Boomers, you squandered and wasted the greatest period of economic success in our nation’s history for pettiness, greed, and selfish BS that you voted for, eat a big plate of crow that you personally cooked’, I also don’t want to see a bunch of old folks starve to

Forgot the SPONSORED POST tag.

Evidently, every kiss did not begin with "okay."

This is nonsense. A microwave is also a convenience appliance, but the food that comes out of it is generally...not great. Before we had a microwave my mom used to boil and steam all our vegetables and food on the stove. I don’t know why I need be eating microwaved vegetables on nights when I shave no time when