sammy baby

Also the approach seems weird to me - they “solved” it by making the keyboard bit more robust, but probably ensured that most people using it won’t detach the thing.

The entire Trump-like character was unnecessary, I get it. Americans love dem guns. But it seemed like overkill. I wonder if this character will become the next Harriet Jones?


Okay, somehow that makes the explanation even sleazier.

Ars Technica has since updated their story, which seems to put the whole thing in a different light:

Digging your passion on this topic. Keep fighting the fight, sir.

Alternatively: just give me a series of webisodes where Danny eats Chinese food with a different Marvel character each time.

100% with you on this one.

I’m rating puppy Venom 13/10, would definitely boop. (and then be ripped apart by alien symbiote)

Clearly very wet, and one of the worst and wettest hurricanes we’ve seen from the standpoint of wetness.

Yeah, probably not, though. Rasmussen has long had a reputation for skewing results rightward, and no firm which is more open about their polling methods has been able to come close to replicating those results. 

Wayne. He complains and makes like it’s OBJ, but both of them know it’s Wayne.

Why? I notice that they went out of their way to use the phrase “lone gunfighter” instead of the more commonly used “lone gunman”. That doesn’t feel like a coincidence to me.

Me, whenever someone asks me this question.

I am so much more excited for this than Venom.

Like... like Charlie Rangel?

Now playing

I was kinda hoping for a little Uncle Death action there.

I do, a lot of the time.

I’ve never seen a photo of Eli Roth before, and I initially mistook him for Zachary Quinto.

Now playing

Mantis... spelled backwards... is Sitnam.