Sam Mou


I guess Sean Astin is a douche bag.

David Harbour became a god.

I gotta say I'm enjoying Alison/Cole focused episodes way more than Noah's this season.

Season 1 and season 4.

This looks like the old show but with an actual budget.

I loved the callbacks to season 1 in this episode. Especially Arya, her being at the top to watch the play instead of down in the pit was a clear emotional link to season 1.…

Oh shut up, Ian McShane.

《He might be one of Robert Baratheon’s bastards, but he’s kind of just hanging out in the background all the same.》

Sansa look fierce in that thumbnail.

I think Fran just saw Adam and Jessa, two friends hanging out and didn't read anything into it. I mean these two talked a lot and were friends way before fucking.
Fran first met Jessa in the trio Mimi Rose/Adam/Jessa.



It's a comedy, CHILL.

This deserved an A.

Ty Burrell, marry me. <3

Maura Tierney is reason enough.

Yep but only the first part of season 1 aired back then.
Maybe they waited for the whole season to finish.


I LOVED this episode.
I actually think it's the best since Connection Lost.