
I can sympathise with that last part. I hated every part of Splinter Cell Blacklist (no game before or since has made me so damn angry) yet I played through it 3 times to completion. My reasoning being, I've spent £40 on this damn thing, I am going to get my moneys worth.
If I may ask, what did you say that got you

Just out of curiosity, are you based in the US? I've been playing Titanfall recently (I jumped back in with Frontier Defence) on the Xbox One and a lot of people commenting about the lack of players have been on both platforms but the majority in the US. I've never struggled to find a game in the UK/Europe recently.

I don't know if the drop off in players is predominantly a US thing but I've recently been playing it again, mostly Frontier Defence (which is great fun) and the servers seem to be quite well populated in the UK/Europe

This perfectly sums up how I feel. I have friends still playing it and having fun by all accounts, more power to them. But I stopped playing it for a few days early November and before I'd realised it, a few days had become 3 weeks.The mere thought of going back to the Weekly Strike, Daily Mission, Nightfall then the

I'm not a huge fan of the CoD series (mostly the MP side with my less than stellar reaction times) but even I could admire what Treyarch did with BLOPS 2, the equipment customisation pre-level, the JSOC Strikes, the branching storyline. It felt like a breath of fresh air compared to the other games. And when I

Even as someone with no military experience or even as a US citizen, (coming from the UK where even getting 1 or 2 new carriers is a big endeavour) I found this article fascinating.
The article touches upon China's constantly evolving anti-ship ballistic missiles, some of which (I'm afraid I can't remember the name -

Just a quick question to anyone who actually has played the Beta - its currently about £50/$82 and I've just had a tax refund so I have some spare cash. I loved the first two games, so I'm really looking forward to this. If you're being ruthlessly honest, is it worth it or would you recommend waiting for the full

I'm with you there, Black Market is a little bit on the nose. I'd prefer it they came up with some extravagant names, maybe the black marketeers could have a shared symbol so its easy to recognise. Something like J.T Willisher's Exotic Consumables and Sundries

I'm with you there. I'm not a huge superhero fan but I can respect what Superman did for the genre (and I hugely enjoyed the All Star Superman books and TV movie) but from a purely pragmatic point of view, you could argue that they are being selfish. I was rewatching Avatar The Last Airbender recently and one of the

I can see where you're coming from - after the prequels, I went back and watched the original trilogy and I found Leia really annoying and preachy at the end of ESB, after Lando's betrayal. Maybe I'm more ruthlessly pragmatic than I'd like to admit but I could understand Lando's position. The wellbeing of two old

On the whole, I'd say no - I actively avoid 3D if I can help it but I saw Captain America and the the 3D in that was duff. There were some really weird choices as to what to pop out which ended up being distracting in places. Case in point, when Cap is infiltrating the first Hydra base, at one point he walking between

I saw the Avengers twice, first in 3D and second in 2D with the same friend and he (as someone who has to wear glasses to read) mentioned that the 3D version made captions on the screen unreadable. But I'm with you in that I noticed so much more detail once I saw it in 2D.

I can understand their reasoning - the time spent building such an experience versus time spent playing it is grossly disproportionate and takes huge sums of money but I still would have enjoyed a SP campaign in the Titanfall universe. As you say, maybe we'll get that with Titanfall 2. (I'm still expecting TF2 to have

Agreed, I liked the concept of the story, especially the nugget that not everyone in the Frontier supports the Militia (which is supposed to be made up of colonists, pirates, etc) which could have lead to some interesting development but it just gets swept under the rug. Thats why I think maybe having a horde

Sounds about right. Wasn't there also an indie PC game done about 5 years ago set in a Mad Max style world where you had a team of players in jeeps/buggies trying to take down a massive AI controlled tank?

I like the idea of a giant super Titan that you have to team up to take down. Your platforming comment got me thinking - they could even do parkour races. Its one of the highlights of the game successfully pulling off a chain of wallruns and bouncing across a level.
Personally, I love a good story in a game but the

I was talking to a friend about the same thing. We wondered if the campaign would have been better if it had been 6 players versus the computer but that'd mean either having the computer massively outnumber the players or ramping up the A.I for SP. A horde mode would be fun though, maybe they could introduce special

I don't know if its deliberate of perhaps I'm just making the link between the shape and the setting but the new Assassin's emblem in the Unity logo looks like a guillotine's blade.

I tried that a few times. Got one Titan with it. How big is the splash damage radius? Must be pretty big to nail 3 Titans at once, even if they are bunched up.

A Titanfall party at your place? You'll need to furnish me with a plane ticket and smuggle me into the States since my passport lapsed last month. I'll bring Cadbury's Buttons. They're amazing.