Sammii Tomo

Thanks for the advice mom

Not wanting to sound like a fanboy brother, but to that statement “Short of the annual iPhone, few future devices get fans chatting like the next generation of consoles from Sony and Microsoft” I would have put Nintendo’s name in there and the first. I’m not sure where you live, but from what I can see worldwide,

I will never say it enough: driverless car model is going to work once all cars are driverless. Until then, it’s going to be a nightmare alright: you’re gonna have AI who never run out of patience VS humans who always run outta patience. It simply cannot be a good thing. Ever.

Story of my life.

I haven’t taken a look on the Alli side (I play both right now) but I gotta say that the Auction House on Westfall - Horde side is blooming for the past couple days already. Far from being dead!

Well to your last sentence there in your text Luke, I wouldn’t give up on the idea of an evolution game done right. I just think maybe the undertaking was a bit too big for what the studio could come up with in the end. Too many ideas in the same spot and end up being lost in the development process - it sure looks

The worst part is? Most people are just talking about this to get the attention. They will just shut it and buy the game anyway. Moving on...

Maybe sounds great in another language.. But even then. I cannot believe that to this day someone laughs at a name. Grow up people.

Thank you! I strongly disagree also. The fact that she was 20 years old when she wrote this and wrote the whole album in like 2 weeks, to come up with these lyrics and this music, it’s not something we were graced with very often in the music business. Her following albums were never even close to the popularity of

I’m in Canada here but 2 years ago I took the train from Toronto to Montréal, back and forth, and it was a great ride all along. We also had acceptable internet connectivity all the way.

Wow... what a story Mike. I’m glad you’re still with us and I hope your lower body comes back too one day. I’m sure glad that you’re here, but quite saddened by that last bit. :(

Ya but then again, maybe that new cheap model will target Labo users, I think that would be brilliant.

My other concern about the internet public also is: don’t people realize this is by far the biggest gaming news in the history of gaming since gaming has been officially a thing? In all honesty, how is mostly no one seeing this? 

You know I don’t complaint either. I don’t understand even this whole long news about all this because... no matter what Google’s past, THIS is already in place and working fully as far as we know. They already built that infrastructure in place, since it’s coming out this year. They have the people to back it up. And

They’ve been working very hard with 3rd-parties developers with Switch like I’ve never seen it before and this is proof that it seems to pay off more and more. It’s very good also for Nintendo to have all these good partnership with devs because with what’s coming soon, I think the gaming landscape is going to change

You can turn the Switch to look at it like you would look at your phone, vertically. :)

Yup - people you have to get outta the box and stop being pessimistic so much about it. This is quite revolutionary in so many ways. This is the biggest undertaking in gaming history for as fas as I can remember. 

What is telling you that Amazon is not partnered with Google too on this? It’s got a lot of people invovled. I wouldn’t be surprised.

I don’t know where you live friend but sure doesn’t apply to Canada where I am, as I have recently upgraded to a gigabit connection, both ways, fiber optical, for cheaper than a 500 Mbps down/ 25 Mbps upload expensive cable comnection. 

Thanks for this guys - just wow. Personally I see this as such a huge revolution. There is also a lot of people involved as he mentioned. All over the industry. I don’t but really don’t see how Google could screw this one up with so much of themselves involved too, so much at stakes from everyone involved.  This is a