Sammii Tomo

Great review, Mike! I feel pretty much exactly the same as you from A to Z. I agree: this is perfect timing to release MK8D, right after we’re all dosing off Zelda BotW. But boy I thought my Switch would be getting a break after BotW... I’m playing MK8D just as much so far... and God knows I played the hell outta the

I’m very sorry but right off the bat I had the feeling that the sound / FX were way too good in quality for PS1. What gave it away is in the 2nd episode @02:20 when you can ear debris falling outside. There is no way that the PS1 could output that good of a clear quality FX back then, I’d bet ya a million dollars and

It’s great that people like you take the time to comment on statements like these. Kudos to you Celia! 

Oh it is better. And trust me also around the first Fairy Fountain and going up the Temple of Time, when you have it in your view, the FPS drops used to be so bad there. These were the first 2 places I went at night because must be some of the 2 places I hung out the most in the game and they were improved and stable

Ya know I honestly don’t even know if the guy likes videogame, as the hate seems to be consistent across the board.

Completely agreed man!

I know. I love haters too man.

I’m still

Ya know I really love how the web can dig everything it can about Nintendo leading up to a big announcement. This is a great time to be alive.

“...I am happy to rip off a Nintendo title. I mean the Megaman guy got away with it with Mighty #9, why shouldn’t I do it too...”

OMG, i Have been doing the same thing since the game came out and leading to the days I am going to do it again each year, I usually get super stoked about it. Maybe we’re crazy?!!? ;)

I did the same thing, I couldn’t stop until the end sadly.

High 5 to you, Kirk!

I hated Metroid the first time I played it back in the day. Then I picked it up a couple years later and it’s the reason why I’m still gaming today. We should always give games a second chance. I still do it to this very day and appreciate my gaming collection much more because of it I’m sure.

I am sorry for the guy, but if you are going in a NY park at night with 3 phones... you’re simply asking for it. Come on! Pokémon GO will not make you immune to these things, Ash. Wake up.

Ya know, not hating here, but people need to stop using the excuse of PC living room is a problem in 2016. I have been doing that for 15 years with wireless mouse keyboards pads / integration / etc, so you know, in case you don’t know, I will help you a bit. One of the best thing to use nowadays is something as simple

Wow. I was not convinced yet but with this now, I am not convinced at all. A big categorical no for me, this whole console is a scam. I am not going to pay for soft tech updates on console, something that is available on PC right outta the box at a $20 cheaper price tag. This is plain ridiculous, they really don’t

Well Kirk, to your OP portion of the review, isn’t that one of the main selling point of the game? You are an OP’d half human half machine guy, that is supposed to take out other OP’d half human half machine guys. The guy has got to be OP’d to take over those. I felt quite OP’d also in DE:HR and that was perfectly

Haven’t I killed myself saying it? :P

Attaboy. :P

You know regarding the graphic cards issue... I build and upgrade my own PCs and usually build a new one every 5 years or so, with one graphic card update in between, and it is usually just because of one game. Well, NMS is that game now I guess!