
No. Just no. You have no idea the hours, days, weeks and months of hard work that it takes to make a Olympic athlete horse. When riding a horse you are CONSTANTLY MOVING. Look up how many calories the average human does burn in a simple hour of horseback riding. Not only are you constantly moving and using energy and

This site whay irritates me, people who think riding a horse is easy, it’s not, have you ever trained a horse? Jumped a horse? Gotten on the back of a 1200 pound animal testing him/her with your life?? No , you haven’t, it is a sport, I see my horse everyday and ride everyday. This is a sport people who don’t agree

Riding horses isn’t as easy as it looks, people like John Whitacker and Charlotte Dujardin train day in and out training and bonding with their horses just like how every other athlete has to train for their sports.... And equestrian events aren't for the rich....I ain't rich but I still ride and show and do jumping

To the writer of this article,

No. Just no. You have no idea the hours, days, weeks and months of hard work that it takes to make a Olympic athlete horse. When riding a horse you are CONSTANTLY MOVING. Look up how many calories the average human does burn in a simple hour of horseback riding. Both horses and riders are athletes, and very special

Wowwwwwwwww what a complete loser. Saying that is like saying in golf the club does most of the work. In swimming, the water does most of the work. Sure in horse back riding, the horse carries the human and jumps the obstacles. However do you honestly think we just SIT there and kick a horse around? Because if so your

If you only knew the hundreds of horses these riders have trained in order to find just one who could make it. And the thousands of others they had to train in order to learn how to train. It’s not like going to the store to buy tennis shoes or a bicycle that has the right specifications. You will also never see a 14

Do you know most riders, even at nonOlympic levels, cross train like crazy to have the fitness level for this sport? That the thigh and leg that keep you in contact with and harmony with your horse, and the abs and back that permit them to both guide and ride the horse are like steel on these people? That apart from

Horse riders use every muscle in their legs to stay on top of a moving horse. That’s why you get sore legs if you don’t ride on a regular basis, and why equine therapy is so useful for people in wheelchairs - the motion of the horse stimulates the muscles in the legs.

Actually...they are. Every single step the horse takes is because of muscle cues the rider is giving. The rider tells the horse to go, how fast to go, where to go, when to turn, when to jump or perform the dressage movement...All by using different muscle groups at different times on extremely specific parts of the

I could start by explaining how dressage is an art form that has been perfected over thousands of years expressing only the movements that horses would exhibit naturally; that equine sports were the original sports of the Olympics, and that any horse may benefit from dressage to gain strength and suppleness; and, how

“What is the purpose of the Olympics? For the few thousand bureaucrats who divvy up the Games, give out contracts, and get kickass bribes, it is to enrich themselves.” No sir, it is actually a way to connect the entire world with one another in some entertainment and for people to prove to themselves and people who

I see where your coming from. Obviously you are not educated very well. Dressage is meant to be elegant, the goal it to do all your move precisely and make it look like your doing the least amount of movement possible with your body. It is suppose to look effortless. Really your pelvis gets a very hardcore workout.

I literally can’t believe this article. Riding a horse and jumping fences that are 5,6" is extremely difficult and is 100% waranted to be in the Olympics. This article was definitely written by some one who has NEVER ridden a horse competitively in their lives. What other sport besides equestrian sports is made up of

You are the most ignorant, dumb, piece of crap. Why don’t you come take my horse over a 4ft course. After you sign a waiver, because like hell if I’m going to be responsible for my horse breaking your neck. Notice how none of the top riders are over weight. Our legs and core are stronger than those marathon runners,

Do you know how many hours equestrians spend in the saddle? These Olympic Equestrians, who on top of owning horses, also train other people’s horses, ride 4, 5, 6+ horses a day. Even as an amateur, most of us ride at least an hour a day, 5 days a week.

Do you know how many hours equestrians spend in the saddle? These Olympic Equestrians, who on top of owning horses, also train other people’s horses, ride 4, 5, 6+ horses a day. Even as an amateur, most of us ride at least an hour a day, 5 days a week.

For a piece designed to be vaguely humorous, you’ve lost me simply by showing your unwillingness to learn something new. If you think the horses are the ones doing all the work, you are woefully mistaken. That would be like saying “the ball is the thing that travels into the net, why is soccer an Olympic sport?” or