
i agree but also... i feel like i don’t even have to drink that much anymore and i will still not remember things from the night before. not blackout really... just... things are more blank. i’m 30. anyone else have this?

If someone tells you they’re a writer and they’re living in Brooklyn, immediately ask them to list five things they’ve written that have been published/performed/optioned etc. Demand receipts. I don’t care if it’s rude. --signed, an actual writer in Brooklyn

Or my favorite conversation with transplants: “Like you wouldn’t believe how much (insert Brooklyn neighborhood) has changed! I’ve been here like 2 years and it’s changed so much!!!”. Like I know, I grew up here.

Why I’m Leaving New York essays are the most annoying pieces of writing to me. It’s a place. Live here or don’t. Literally nobody cares, and your personal decision about whether to live here or not does not make or break the city.

Agree with all this.

They came to the protest because they oppose the systems that produced Trump. They smash symbols of those systems. They probably aren’t sorry if that offends pious liberals.

Melania’s account will consist of nothing but retweets of Michelle.

I firmly hope that the Ryan Medicare decimation gets shoved through Congress on January 21, and signed by President Trump (I just threw up when I wrote that) on January 21 or 22. By March, every senior who voted for him will be storming the White House when they realize that the “Obamacare” repeal and replace is