
If you're familiar with the area, those big tentacle snake things in the bottom of the tower in The Duke's Archives are fairly close and really simple to farm for humanity. There's a bonfire not far from them for easy repetition.

Is there a Rancher's Insurance he can go do ads for?

Huh. Those people are way more creative than I ever gave them credit for: "Beelzebub Obozo."

Trust me, you don't.

This guy, he gets it.

My dilemma: Arby's is disgusting, but I love horseradish based condiments. And cute names. So where the fuck else am I supposed to get Horsey Sauce?

Nah, you're thinking of George Zimmer, The Men's Wearhouse guy. I was pissed when they let him go because I'd just read somewhere that he didn't believe in giving employees criminal background checks. Apparently he'd been a bit of a fuckup in his youth and figured folk deserved a fair shake.

Bareback Bob, the '70s stand-in, just doesn't cut it with today's health conscious demographic.

My friend had a Sopranos cookbook that we'd take turns making recipes out of for big Sunday night groupwatching parties. Good, fat times.

Last Halloween, we all went as Bakulas. Is that not how it's pronounced?

So Kanye West is up for the Money Train sequel?

Chalky and Chappy, together at last!

Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day!

Typical Kreb talk.