What is it good for?
What is it good for?
¿Y cuál fue la pregunta?
Si lo que quieres preguntar es si los servidores de CloudFlare son más rápidos porque son nuevos, pues entonces te hacen falta unas clases de redacción. Pero yendo a lo que creo es tu pregunta, no, no son más rápidos porque son nuevos.
Some things became clear after watching his video on the New Yorker:
That sounds about right. Thanks for calming my celebrity anxities.
Who are all of these people?! Honestly, I may know few of them, but mostly... Are we sure they are celebrities?
And besides being good business, who would want to build a platform and then have it be dominated by racist shitheads?
I crap in your rules, and I do it because it’s just clothes.
Other than that, I respect your opinion.
Fuck you, I’ll be a damned German tourist if I like!
Otherwise, I agree with everything else you said. Kudos sir.
Damn good!
Mad MaxMan With No Name movie follows the same general formula:MaxMan is wandering the countryside and stumbles upon a civilization that has popped up somewhere in theAustralian outbackAmerican desert. He involves himself in their struggle, and then he moves on to the next adventure.
You think dancing has anything to do with his muscles in that place? You think it's air he's breathing?
Let it all go. Fear, doubt, disbelief... Just. free. your. legs.
Thanks, exactly what I needed.
I could have lived happily without a child. But I know for sure that I'll live HAPPIER with one. I'll be a much, much happier person doing everything in my power to make my son's life as perfect as I possibly can.
Didn't know either, but google is your friend: http://www.destinythegame.com/
Didn't know either, but google is your friend: http://www.destinythegame.com/
I like the way you talk and I want to subscribe to your blog.