Sam Kat

Yup. More white women voted for Trump than for Hillary. And it’s not just young people, not just old people. White people of all ages wanted “their” country back and they got it.

It feels as if half the population voted to say the earth is flat. That still fills me with profound sorrow, but yes, anger is starting to burn away the numbness.

It’s like when someone you love just died, isn’t it? You get those first few seconds of ignorant bliss after you wake up, then it all hits again harder than before.

I’m angry at a lot of women today, at all the ones who voted for Trump, or anyone but Hillary. I lived in Philadelphia for the past two presidential elections, and in 2012 I lived in north Philly, where my polling place was on the first floor of a subsidized senior apartment building. The 2012 election had a line out

And dear Black people and Hispanics,

Yeah, we’re now up to 2 times in the last 5 elections where the Democrat won the popular vote but lost the election. Last time, we got Iraq. Who knows what next year will bring.

When said anger is against the majority vote (white men and women) you’re gonna lose.

They just think Trump only does it to bad women who deserve it, so they’re safe.

I’m fighting with my white Husband who just doesn’t understand. He does not understand what is at stake for the rest of us. It makes it so much worse because the person I love the most in the world just doesn’t fucking get me.

God knows. I’m so full of hate and rage and “you brought this on yourselves” that I’m afraid of myself right now.

I talked to an Uber driver last week who was African American and voting for Trump because he didn’t like Latinos moving into his community. When you run on a platform of hate and fear the people who hate and fear regardless of race will be moved to vote for you.

I really thought America was better than this.

And when there is a big upsurge of hate crimes and violence against minorities—as there was right after Brexit—then what?

It’s not that simple—it’s not just about hating women, sorry. There’s more than that here. Although, post-primary, I was an ardent Clinton supporter, it is clear that Clinton was not the right candidate for the current political climate in America. All summer I believed that wasn’t the case, that she could and would

I think America hates women a bit more than the rest of the world does. For fuck’s sake, Iran elected a woman vice president before we did.

I want to ask the women in my FB feed who voted for him if they’re really okay with strange men grabbing their pussies. Which would be terrible, but still.

If we ever had any doubt how violently the entire world hates women — including a staggering percentage of women — we can definitively put it to rest.

Yeah, I still don’t understand why I wouldn’t just text a picture to someone if I wanted to send them a picture, instantly.

I didn’t realize Snapchat was a legitimate network. I thought it was something teenagers used to send dickpics to one another.

Horses are not going anywhere...every single person under 25 uses one everyday.