
He really wanged that ball. I mean he just cocked back and drilled it. That thing was hammered. Even a one-eyed monster could tell that junk was headed all the way to Johnsonville. The Mets are really giving the Cubs the shaft.

As a Sox fan, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. *clutches onto memories of 05 World Series* Safe for another year, my precious...

Apparently he’s Barry Bonds all of a sudden?

You mean he doesn’t rely on nanobubbles?

“I use the same nutritionist too!!” -DeMarco Murray

“She recommended gallons of HGH.”

Since he’s at Tampa Bay, probably should go with MRSA Hamster.

Why don’t we compromise? I suggest “King Muscle Hamster the Inconsistent.”

I feel like the Muscle Hamster is just spinning his wheel on this one

Man, embrace Muscle Hamster. That’s the coolest nickname in the NFL. Dougernaut is what Rob Schneider would call him at the water cooler.

Then your diamond plate floorboard fell out and your engine overheated. yeah, I hate when that happens.

you probably would have been OK if you had been double clutching like you should

it may not have an equal in terms of one on one combat, but the German Tiger II also had no equal..... unless it got gang jumped by half a dozen Sherman tanks.

technical advancement can only cover your ass so far. eventually, you either run out of ammo or run into numbers that erase your advantage. and while a nation

All of them.

My thoughts exactly; it’s not exactly pushbutton, but it’s still cheaper and fits the need better, so...why not?

You’d have to unpack and reinstall the tooling, but my non-expert thought is that the bigger problem is getting the people building them back up to speed. Planes get cheaper the more of them you make, and production lines get faster as they get experience, and it could very well take a dozen runs before things are

Seems like the obvious solution would just be to buy some more... I mean they shut down the program, but it’s not like Lockheed dumped all the files when that happened. All the tooling and plans exist, why not just crank out a few more? Maybe it’s just too prohibitively expensive to start up the assembly line again?

Three additional squadrons of F-22s in Europe and four more in Asia would be better than 500 F-35s.

No, not at all, especially in regards to Halo 2. A year before Halo 2 was even out, this game existed that had entire outfits fighting each other

Halo 1 set the pace for the shooters to come. Halo 2 had unprecedented clan integration. Then it all sorta fell to shit.