That was my first thought! HACKENBERG. Come on VW this is basic trolling
That was my first thought! HACKENBERG. Come on VW this is basic trolling
Oh man. I wish I still had my m3..
Not even that sexy Mission E concept that Porsche put out?
Might want to swap the Rovers for the Porsche Cayenne family (242, Diesel-560, Turbo S). It’s almost an insignificant difference, I know, but I'm biased and this is the one time numbers back me up
By including audio of some of the most popular RTS of all time(Red Alert, Generals, some Dawn of War) , I’m now slightly convinced there should be a Fallout RTS. The “super weapon” is such a good throwback to fallout 3. Props to this guy
I’ve done this drive, from Dallas to Denver to Estes Park(northish Colorado), in a blizzard. I feel for this mans pain.
I thoroughly enjoyed all of this
From what I’ve heard from inside the TAF, they haven’t raised a cent towards the buyout/contacted any boosters about raising money, but that answer was really soft, basically quietly pointing the finger at the administration, specifically King Alexander and Joe Alleva. LSU has two budgets involving athletics, the…
At the time I thought they were going to kneel the ball, at least it looked that way. Big respect to them for executing an excellent trick play, but aren’t we setting ourselves up for more Schiano-Men in response? Damn you Kingsbury, think of the consequences of your actions!
Well thank you very much Patrick. It’s complicated, but both aspects of this issue have a long way to go, from the treatment of alleged victims to the handling of information by law enforcement and court system. Can’t stop criminals from committing the crimes, but we can improve the process which holds people…
What's the basis for the Harvard Law professors disagreeing with airing the documentary? I want to hear about that way more than rehashing the terrible shit Winston has been accused of
Seriously don't care unless it's about the Max Headroom video hijack. That puzzles me to no end
Yes. This fires me up. Granny style?
You had me heated for about 2 seconds...then I remembered this is the Knicks we’re talking about.
Grimes is hilarious/awesome live, saw her at Austin City Limits, and before one of her songs she just blurts out, “my boyfriend just got me that new Pokemon game, so shoutout to Pokemon!” *crazy trance-pop song drops*. Definitely haven't heard that one before
“Took an adderall”? More like railed some booger sugar and push this joke to the limit. Seriously though how did they actually continue play? It looks like the ball bounces off the out of bounds line after touching Draymond
Excuse me are we playing the same new releases?
This game has irreversibly fucked up my thoughts on robots. I haven’t dwelled on a campaign in a call of duty game in maybe the last 6 games. This one haunts me.