
Jus looks dapper as fuck

I fuckin love that show

We need the lip reader yall use for the Umpires on this, stat. Because I’m terrible at lip reading and too lazy to figure it out but I wanna see exactly what level of trash he was talking.

Oh goodie, I thought it was my PC that easily met all requirements that was fucking up. I can't even get the fucking game to start.

He grew a better pitch than I ever could. I'm a post college adult. I'm more ashamed than those kids should be.

I sang this aloud

65 is a passing grade right?

God Kluwe is such a troll..

That picture is gold

God that sounds like someone getting smacked by a 2x4..


This is the only reason I'm in the comments. He spoke. Why. Who. What the fuck. These are the questions that need to be answered


Deadspin fuggin loves Puig, but alas, so do I. Too much damn fun.

Drunk from my tears..

Fuck Lil B. There needs to be a moratorium on Lil B’s social media during basketball season.

Visiting the family in Houston right now, and I’ve been watching everything on the locals news, can’t believe I missed this. watched a guy try to drive through thigh level water in a Prius. Now that guy is a true idiot.

The is the NFL’s version of the Lil B curse. God why couldn't it have been the Redskins? Snyder was gonna be all over it

Not a JR appearance goes by on the tv screen without someone around me asking if “you wanna get the pipe”. It’s more ingrained with JR smiths image than “Bo Knows” was with Bo jackson’s