
Yep, them Cereal Arab Army troops take organic and relatively peaceful babies out of incubators and rape them while hopped up on massive doses of Viagra. Truly a vile bunch. Now that they ran out of babies they are gunning for Raqqa and the caliphates ample supply of fresh organic babies. After that they are coming

The polls conclusively and independently prove that the Autonomous Republic of Crimea which contains an ethnic Russian majority wished to be reunified with Russia. Don’t forget, Crimea was an autonomous republic within Ukraine, not part of Ukraine Proper in any way. The precedent was set in stone by the partition of

If you’re going to criticize, then suggest a better way of liberating a city from ISIS hands.

Quite astonishing how they weap for those “ragheads” when it ain’t Uncle Sam doing the killin’. Because if those were Uncles toys firing they would be pumping their fists asking for wp, napalm, agent orange or a nuke. Suddenly every jarhead gun nut on this site is a fuckin Mother Theresa. So pathetic

Correct, Russia sometimes uses unguided ammo along with SVP-24 Hephaestus system, when the situation calls for it, including DESERTED and ABANDONED urban areas. When there is need for guided ammo, it is also used. There are plenty of videos both on YouTube and LiveLeak of Russians using guided ammo.

At least they didn’t shoot it up from the water. If you’re gonna troll with the big boys here, you better unfuck your shit language skills.

By coincidence, today’s top piece on Jezebel was also the Rockets’ best offer for Dwight Howard:

Well, when you think the terrorists are your “friends”...Remember this fella?

Sigh. The cloaking device was a ROMULAN invention. They traded it to the Klingons in exchange for warp drive technology.

C’mon, guys. Get your nerd references in check.

Tony Allen, Lance Stephenson, Matt Barnes, Birdman, and Z-Bo now all play on the same team.

The exact same logic they use to defend the murder of 100,000 men+ women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki applies here. The exception being Hiroshima.and Nagasaki were cities packed with civilians where Raqaa is the self proclaimed capital of an Islamic Caliphate with very few civilians. Now watch them run in

Which is exactly what they are, terrorists. The Russians should just nuke the whole place, it is not only infested with Islamic terrorists it is a breeding ground for them too. Time to drop the lefty PC nonsense and level it.

Meanwhile, Turkey has been shelling our Kurdish allies for 4 days to protect al-Nusra positions....

He is obsessed with Russia yet mention any important year and he is stumped. His comprehension extends to and is limited to “Dem dar big bad pesky rooskies are after ‘ar freedoms”

The Chinese are the ones we should be watching not Russia. I understand that the islands are disputed and claimed by various countries so what is the correct mechanism for settling it once and for all? Obviously Chinas claim are just utterly ridiculous to begin with

Hey Skipper! What does this button do?


Yup, you’re exactly right. I mean, precision weapons are tremendously useful — the mistake was convincing the public that wars could be won with surgical strikes and no collateral damage. The simple reality is that they cannot. Precision weapons are just another tool in the toolbox, but wars will always — and only —