
No joke, we had one pilot stub his toe on the center console....They used to get their fingers chopped off on lowering their seats before they had boots put on the scissor lift mechanic....ummmm i think an SO spilled coffee one time?

Well no, there’s still an element of risk to the SR missions... altitude, engine failure... anything of the sort would result in the crewmen in hostile terrirtory.

Apple Juche is my favorite kind of Juche.

I still don’t understand how Kylo was freakin’ stopping laser bolts in mid-air at the start of the movie, but he doesn’t finish Finn off instantly. I assume that Kylo has had to have some training in his life at that point, given that he struck down a bunch of Jedi apprentices with it...and that Finn has had exactly

“They’re worried we’d be leaning on it all day..”

*whispers* So do I. It’s OK. Besides...Peta Wilson. Just sayin’.

Surface warships do indeed turn off their radars still. One ship, or maybe some planes, operating at a distance from the main group, transmits their detections, while the rest of the group listens without transmitting any acknowledgement. Yes, the enemy will be aware of the one ship or the small group of planes and

Zumwalt, the Ship of the 90’s...TODAY!

I hate to say that one of those images has been photoshopped. Here’s the unedited version:

You are an idiot.

As for President Obama’s Oval Office speech last night... we have absolutely nothing new to talk about.

But what exactly would “clear and comprehensive strategy” be? This is a historical clusterfuck wrapped up in a FUBAR.

Why is the Turkish training base so close to a massive ISIS stronghold?

And the biggest hypocrite award goes to....Turkey!
Jet spends 7 seconds(or less) in their airspace uninvited and they shoot it down. They put tanks on another country’s soil uninvited and even Iraq has the sense to talk to the UN before blowing anything up. Can we kick them out of NATO yet? This is hauntingly similar

Turkey and Saudi Arabia, our two best allies...

Turkey has gone full stupid

I was not talking about trucks; trucks can always be replaced. I was referring to the entire oil producing infrastructure. US doesn’t want to target refineries (often makeshift) due to a risk of civilian casualties and oil wells due to a risk of an environmental disaster. Large refineries were destroyed, but

Damn. Those are some nice ones! Good find Tyler.

There are believed to be as many as 1,000 armed opposition groups in Syria, commanding an estimated 100,000 fighters. Russia was invited under international law, to aid in the preservation of the official government and institutions of the country.

I miss the days of Ronald Reagan and the notion that we don’t negotiate with (and thus legitimize) terrorism. Now our government, devoid of leadership, is engaging in internet arguments with them.