Two Turkish reporters that published an article about Turkey smuggling weapons to Syria are jailed and are facing charges of “treason”. So, whatt does that tell you?
Two Turkish reporters that published an article about Turkey smuggling weapons to Syria are jailed and are facing charges of “treason”. So, whatt does that tell you?
It’s not Putin who won’t join the US-coalition, it’s Obama & NATO who refuse to help him. To his credit, Putin is being mature about this and not playing petty geopolitical games like Washington or Ankara.
The irony of your bigoted, rabid response isn’t lost on me one bit. Your joke makes it clear that you are so much better than some far off Eastern European country you obviously have never been to or met any of its people.
Precisely, this whole thing stinks to high heaven. The relative reticense of the United States and the Europeans to back Turkey’s version of events is telling. I’m no fan of Russia and the way they’ve started acting on the global stage but Erdogan (Turkey’s own version of Putin) is just as bad and just as duplicitous.
But who is your friend and who is your enemy? :P
Yep. Turkey has long used their standing in NATO to cover their illegal activities. Unfortunately, no one in NATO has the guts to boot them out, and now world peace could easily hang on the decisions of Erdogan, the man who gassed protesters, funds ISIL, is a habitual liar, and most likely rigged the last election.
Being the facetious asshole
Damn straight, it’s some other nation’s turn to wade into the quicksand for a change.
It looks like after this story Russia will be having Turkey for Thanksgiving.
Yes, the West favors a pipeline from Persian Gulf states and Assad wants a pipeline to carry Russian and Iranian product.
That’s one of the reasons why the U.S. has repeatedly stalled the Keystone pipeline. By keeping oil expensive, it gives room for Frakking natural gas to work out the kinks, reach economy of scale, and reach price parity with oil. Then, the U.S. can start providing Western Europe with CNG delivered by ship, which would…
Quite a resume, thanks for the conversation. It’s nice not to be shouted down on Kinja, unless I'm making dick jokes on deadspin.
Weren’t there plans for a Syrian/Iraq pipeline to bypass the need for Russian gas? I kinda thought that's why people wanted Assad out. Lets face it this fighting isn't over ISIS its about energy.
Screw Turkey. Shooting down a Russian fighter for a minor airspace violation is outrageous. Turkey isn’t even a democratic country. Why people want to back Erdogan mystifies me. He runs Armenian Christians out of the country, and Islamic fascists blow up Christian churches with essentially no repercussions. They have…
Yeah, Russia should totally respect Turkey’s protection of ISIS and those oil smugglers.
They (Turkey) already have the “worst member of NATO” title - let us not forget that they are barely democratic these days - with a little “d”
My sentiments exactly. Hell would freeze over before I side with Putin, but it’s getting chilly lately.
The CIA has got to shut down the TOW pipeline. This is getting out of hand. Has the CIA not learned its lessons from previous efforts at arming Sunni Islamist Revolutionaries with semi-smart weapons? Sunni Islamist Revolutionaries have a way of targeting someone you care about with the semi-smart weapons. It is…
So... I guess the US and Turkey are the assholes o’ the day.