
Though I know how much you hate award-winning veteran journalists, here’s another one about “moderate Syrian rebels,” written by Robert Fisk. He holds more awards for journalism than any other international correspondent in the world. And he’s written about the Middle East for 20 years. He speaks Arabic, and was one

Ain’t about goalposts, it’s about proving that “moderate Syrian rebels” is an abstraction, not to mention a blatant lie.

Who drew up that map? What map, to begin with? Who published the map? While you’re at it - name ONE moderate Syrian rebel group. Name ONE moderate Syrian rebel group leader.

Your responses have become more shrill, and even more irrational. You need to raise it up a notch, and maybe have a brain aneurism or something.

OMG the Pentagon needs to hire you! Looks like you know where ISIS in Syria is better than the actual Syrians who LIVE THERE.

ISIS doesn’t threaten Assad??? Are you off your meds!!? You’re some Neocon from the Donald Rumsfeld school of good government, aren’t you?

The war in Syria and the atrocities of ISIS have gone on long enough such that even ordinary Americans have started to figure things out on their own.

Hope you’re right. But then again, no-one thought Russia would deploy an air expeditionary force to Syria. No-one imagined Russia would go as far as to launch cruise missiles from the Black Sea.

“From Bloomberg:

Yeah, but the irony of this is - I actually have the names myself. I wrote them down or bookmarked the sources when I researched for myself more than a year ago what was going on in Syria.

There are NO moderate rebels in Syria. If there are, I’d like someone to provide a group’s name, or a leader’s name, and to describe what they’re fighting for that doesn’t include chopping off people’s heads.

What would you do if Salafist Muslims started taking up arms in Chicago? Would you go easy with them and listen to their demands for “more freedom?” That’s what happened in Syria. Even the so-called “Free Syrian Army” is Salafist.

The only way democracy can take root in the Middle East is through education. Bring up a people’s level of education, and they’ll eventually find a way to figure out that they want a representative form of government.

Russia’s not going to allow Syria to fall. Too much is at stake for Russia.

Yeah but that’s why they call the Internet “the cloud.” Amazon didn’t invent the Cloud. Network engineers started growing clouds to represent the broad “Internet out there,” as shorthand symbolism when they drew up their network schematics.

Why can’t you see they’re ALREADY doing something about it? Tyler’s even mentioned it in his article here.

Who knows. You’d be surprised though.

We’re perfectly capable of becoming 100% energy independent TOMORROW. Literally. We ARE the world’s biggest producer of oil. People need to wake the fark up. We don’t need to keep sending money to those Saudi and Qatari a-holes. We need to go into business ourselves and keep producing so much oil it ends up burying

It’s more like some of these commenters don’t understand the Internet CAN’T be turned off when there are too many access points.

Yep. IP ‘blacklists’ won’t work. Virtual networking, spoofing and proxying technologies abound. You can only blacklist when there’s only one entry point in and out of the external network. If there isn’t, IP blacklisting is futile and ridiculous.